Questions tagged [apache-2.2]

Version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP Server. When asking questions about virtualhosts, please include the output of the following command: "apache2ctl -S" (or "httpd -S" depending on your OS)

OFF-TOPIC WARNING: Apache version 2.2 reached end-of-life with the final release of version 2.2.34 in July 2017. No further evaluation of security risks will be published for 2.2.x releases, and Apache users should immediately transition to version 2.4.x. Because Apache 2.2 is unsupported, most, if not all, questions regarding Apache 2.2 will be off-topic on ServerFault.

The Apache HTTP Server is a popular Open Source Web server.

This tag should be used for questions specific to version 2.2 of Apache HTTPD. For more general Apache HTTP Server related questions, you should use the Apache2 tag instead.

Apache is very well documented and most functionality is described in detail within this documentation. Specific documentation is available for Version 2.2

If you are asking a question on Server Fault about Virtual Hosts, can you please include the output of either:

# Debian Linux and its derivates
apache2ctl -S
# Most other UNIX/Linux distributions
apachectl -S
# Non UNIX/Linux distributions or if you are unable to find apachectl
httpd -S 

Including this will involve in a much faster answer to your question, as no doubt the first thing people will ask for is that output.

For questions about Apache 2.4 please use

17280 questions
9 answers

Password Self-serve Active Directory via LAMP environment

I would like to be able to change active directory passwords via a Linux/Apache based webpage. This would be a self serve web page for the user. I have SSL-LDAP setup on the Active Directory to make this happen. Is there any project or code out…
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1 answer

Disable Apache basic auth in virtual subdirectory

I have a webserver that is completely locked down with Basic Auth AuthType Basic # [...] rest of basic auth stuff require valid-user order deny,allow deny from all Satisfy any One subdirectory is…
Gerald Schneider
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3 answers

How to atomically replace files in Apache?

When I replace served file (or modify symlink) and download this file simultaneously, Apache rarely (in small fraction of percent) responds with headers from old file, but with content from new file. I tested it on few versions of Apache 2.2 (2.2.3,…
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1 answer

Apache doesn't start: syntax error....DocumentRoot must be a directory

I read all the previous answer but I couldn't fix my problem.. I'm changing the server where my website is hosted and I'm setting again apache.. Now, after installing php, fail2ban, etc i have that issue: service httpd start Avvio di httpd: Syntax…
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3 answers

Apache virtual host - one site, two IP addresses

Is it possible to configure an Apache (v2.x, running under Plesk 10.4.4) virtual host to listen to two IP addresses at once? We are moving a site from one IP on the server to a different IP (so that we can install an SSL - SNI isn't an option,…
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2 answers

How do I force Apache to respond with 403 for http requests?

I'm using Apache as a frontend for a RESTful service I'm building. All access to the service should come in over HTTPS, so I'd like Apache to respond to any HTTP access with a 403 message stating that secure access is required. How would I configure…
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2 answers

AD authentication with Active Directory using Apache for Subversion

Is there a Ubuntu package that includes auth_ldap for apache2? I don't see one... Google isn't helping me with this one apt-cache show libapache2-webauth doesn't show me if it's in there ... There a better command for this? Update: Actually …
Kyle Brandt
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1 answer

Dropped ACK FIN, ACK RST, RST packets on webserver with iptables

I run a webserver (Apache) on a Debian 7 machine, with iptables on the same machine. iptables rules are generated by the ConfigServer Firewall (CSF) script. The websites hosted there are fine on my end, however I'm seeing a lot of dropped inbound…
2 answers

PHP + Apache long wait time

I've run into a bit of a brick wall with troubleshooting my dedicated websever. Recently, my website spiked with the amount of request/per second and it crashed. The box original had 8GB of RAM, 8 Core Xeon E3-1230, 1TB 7,200 RPM Disk (No Raid),…
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4 answers

Apache2 VirtualHost IfPort?

I'd like to make a virtual host like this: SSLEngine On ... ... So, if the host has been accessed through port 443, I want to add some additional…
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2 answers

mod_jk status page not working

I am doing clustering in Tomcat 7 with Apache server. It is working fine too. However I have the following issues: 1) I am trying to monitor the mod_jk status page; but it is giving 404 error. 2) in Log following error is shown - [Tue Dec 17…
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2 answers

nginx+apache2.4+php-fpm - SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] and php_admin_value

I'm trying to get server work in the way nginx->apache2.4->php-fpm(via mod_proxy_fcgid) (nginx for serving static files) (I'm not sure apache is even needed now). It works but I got few questions. When I used apache2.2 with php as apache module (on…
Igor Yavych
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2 answers

How to limit connection speed

I am on CentOS 6.4 and am using Plesk v11.5.30 although this doesn't necessarily need to be done via plesk. I am looking to limit the connection speed to a specific website. However the only options Plesk gives me are "Maximum bandwidth usage" and…
John Mellor
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1 answer

What does Apache do with loaded modules when a file is modified?

I am writing on an Apache module which currently runs on 2.2.22. The module runs scripts written in a new programming language, and for optimization, it caches the results of the parsing for successive uses. Since the cached parsing should be…
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1 answer

Apache: can ErrorLog be made to log also hostnames instead of IP addresses?

Having different Apache servers in a low-load intranet with almost only DHCP clients, we need to log hostnames instead of IP addresses. As the DHCP environment is quite dynamic, any later attempt to remap IPs to hostnames would most likely yield…
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