Questions tagged [ntp]

NTP stands for Network Time Protocol, and it is an Internet protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers to some time reference.

717 questions
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What's the default NTP server used by systemd-timesyncd?

In my Linux distribution is enabled the service systemd-timesyncd. Very useful to understand how the service works is this post answer. Below I report some system information about this service: its unit file is:…
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How to change time on local NTP server and distribute to others?

Is there any solution to retrieve time from a NTP server and change time locally (Increase or decrease) and then distribute new time to other servers? As an example, server retrieve UTC time and change it +1 (Or increase by one hour) and then…
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Does NTP should update time after manual change?

I have configured NTP service and I've checked it by the following way: Disable NTP Adjust time Enable NTP Host's time fixed in few seconds. But if I do: Enable NTP Adjust time Time is not fixed. Should be time fixed in this case? I'm setting…
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Trouble with NTP Sync between ntp servers and VMs

I have many VMs on production that run vmware, with vmtools running and the sync between ESXI and hosts is disabled. I run ntp client on all hosts, the OS of hosts is RHEL. The problem I have is that I get many incidents about loses sync with NTP…
Ali Mezgani
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How to update NTP-deamon on a Debian Squeeze (Proxmox 2.x)?

Because of security issue in NTP (CVE-2014-9295) I need to update NTP-deamon on a Debian Squeeze (it is the Proxmox 2.x installation). The problem is that it is a productional system and I can not test the update commands on a test system. So, I…
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NTP is not updating the time in local machine

We have a server in AWS with Amazon linux. By default, it comes with NTP service, and we can see that it is in sync. However, when someone changes the time using the below command: date -s "14 JUL 2014 04:45:00" The date and time are forced. When…
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NTP server hostname validation regex

I want make basic syntax validation of NTP server hostnames. (For example, I expect %^$&" is a syntaxticly invalid NTP server hostname.) The reason I want to make this basic validation is because I am building a Web app to configure a server. The…
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how to stop all NTP synchronizations

I think I have made ​​several ntp settings, and make synchronization across multiple servers on different timezones. On my php scripts, date is displayed randmomly for (+2 , +3 timezone ) , for example on first refresh shows 15:08 , for other…
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How can I sync Windows XP automatically to an NTP server?

Possible Duplicate: How to synchronize the clock of a windows server 2003 domain server? My server keeps losing a few seconds per week. I would like to automatically sync without the need for manual intervention
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2 answers

Do NTP servers log ip addresses

There are many NTP servers like and so on . Do these services log ip addresses of the visitors?Have heard that http servers do log ip addresses and though not related to this qestion , removal of ip address is…
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What does this shell script mean?

#!/bin/bash /usr/sbin/ntpdate I found such a script file,maybe it is used to confirm the time, can you explain it in detail?
1 answer

On what port does google ntp offer daytime services?

I want to do time request on an socket client. According to this is on port 13 Does have a similar service so that I can connect a socket client to it. just like I can connect to on port 13 I wanted to do…
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