Questions tagged [socket]

A socket is an abstract network construct with a sending and receiving side. In most modern operating systems (OS) there are device representations, and programming tools to address sockets.

564 questions
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Ubuntu Mysql stop working after outofmemory in a clamscan, mysqld.sock

I'm having daily problems with postman with autentification througth mysql on my Ubuntu14LTS Server. I think the problem arrise after a clamscan scron that breaks in an Out of Memory. In some way mysql socket gets break and I can't read my emails…
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Is "keeping alive connections" the smartest approach to access devices behind a router?

The problem I'm developing an IOT device that will connect to a common Wifi router. As you know in order to make this device publicly accessible from WAN you'll have to do some ports forwarding or DMZ in the router. But in this scenario I don't want…
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Python cant connect to local MySQL server through socket

I have a python script which is designed to add things to a MYSQL database. The error I get is this: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock I've checked the credentials of the database in the settings and…
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I want to install pysockect or any other websocket in centOs 64 bits

I have get a tutorial to install pywebsocket in linux. But I am using centOs for my apache server. I want something by which I can…
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Python - socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use

I'm currently attempting to setup a SiriServer (that's beside the point) on Xubuntu 12.10 x64, when I run the server python returns error socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use. The server by default is attempting to run on port 443,…
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Segments/Processes running on same UDP socket

Suppose a process in Host C has a UDP socket with port number 12345. Suppose both Host A and Host B each sends a UDP segment to Host C with destination port number 12345. Will both of these segments be directed to the same socket at Host C? Why? I…
Hi There
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Options for sending data between two computers over the internet

My problem is fairly simple: I wish to send/receive simple commands between two PCs. The first PC (PC1) runs a program that controls and monitors an alarm system. The seconds PC (PC2) is any PC that is connected to the internet and must be able to…
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ping 100% packet loss - can't ping to server

when I try to ping my newly created server it shows: vasanth@vasanth-client:~$ ping -c 4 PING (server.ip.address ) 56(84) bytes of data. --- ping statistics --- 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100%…
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Python sockets: TCP errors in linux, while same program works fine on Windows10

I'm trying to communicate with a commercial power supply device via TCP/IP using python sockets. I tried using both a virtual linux(centos8stream) and virtual windows10, both running at the same physical computer, on the same network interface. Both…
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Is it actually possible to send some data to remote destination over tcp/ip without any socket?

I am studying socket concept. As far as I learned socket is like electrical socket that is created in both end of communicating devices (or processes). Socket can keep itself alive forever to listen some request (this is may be the key concept to…
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How do I launch a service on linux

I have written server-socket Java application (not a web application) and I have a server running on Linux machine. How do I deploy this application so that I can request from anywhere from any app (assume the app has permission). Should I install…
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Python and java static IP

I have a Python server. Each time I change the network the IP changes. I want it to have a static IP over all networks so it can receive data without customizing the code every time. I want to do the same for a Java server too.
Omar Amr
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IP address differences between two computers on the same local network

Why does the python command print(socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())) give: on my laptop on my Raspberry PI when they're both on the same local network, and the PI's IP address is a static Please be…
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Is it possible to bind a socket with NIC Queue?

when i open a new socket linex system automatically bind it to a NIC queu. Currently i have two sockets and i want to bind them to two different NIC queues. My question is 1)Is it possible to bind sockets to nic queue pragmatically or using some…
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understanding resolv.conf nameserver through system calls

I am trying to understand how /etc/resolv.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf exactly works and what is significance of nameserver entry I did strace ping to get to know about the system calls involved , one part is…
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