Questions tagged [wildcard]

248 questions
1 answer

NGINX two domains SSL presents wrong cert

I have two domains, both of which are wildcards. Both use https only eg. * * The issue is that nginx seems to always present the default certificate (, which is not valid, when I go to…
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3 answers

Install GoDaddy Wildcard SSL Certificate on Tomcat 6

I have a wildcard ssl certificate that was generated by one of our Server Admins. I would like to use a copy for one of our sub-domains. Do I need to go through recreating a CSR file using keytool. How do just import the 3 files as shown below, to…
2 answers

Redirecting/rewriting wildcard domains to ssl in nginx

I have tried all the solutions found on this site and others but am still having a problem with redirecting a wildcard subdomain with http to https. I still end up with The above url displays in Chrome and "This…
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1 answer

Sql 2008 r2 wildcard certificate

I have installed wildcard certificate in Certificates(Local Computer)\Personal in sql server. We are using Windows 2008R2 server and 2008 R2 SQL. Certificate is issued by StartCom. With certificate everything is ok (I have used it in IIS), but it…
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1 answer

Email forwarding

We run multiple brands on multiple servers, and what we basically want is for Postfix (which I have set up and forwarding successfully) to forward on to All it needs to do is receive mail for any username…
1 answer

Catch-all Domains Windows DNS

We are trying to set up Windows DNS for our nameservers and Is is possible to catchall domain names using those nameservers in Windows DNS instead of creating individual forward lookup zones for every domain we wish to…
Tom Grant
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1 answer uses an invalid security certificate

I have bought a wild-card certificate for * in "Godaddy" and had tried to use it in "" that is in digital ocean which has my apache installed, ssl configured based on the above certificate. On trying to run the…
1 answer

bulk parking domain in apache server

how can I config apache server for bulk parking domains. I mean allow users to set DNS of server for their domains and then it show content that I set for parked domains without need of additional config in my server (a parking feature just like…
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