Questions tagged [docker]

The container software docker.

Docker is an open-source project that provides an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization. While docker was born in the Linux world later versions are able to control Windows containers and Hyper-V virtual machines.

194 questions
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MongoDB terminates when it runs out of memory

I have the following configuration: a host machine that runs three docker containers: MongoDB Redis A program using the previous two containers to store data Both Redis and MongoDB are used to store huge amounts of data. I know Redis needs to…
Simone Bronzini
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How to limit memory consumption of mysql server to prevent OOM kills?

My MySQL instance is getting killed by the Linux oom_killer due to huge consumption of memory by mysql when inserting into longblob columns. This occurs when restoring a mysqldump which contains a very large longblob column. I've run through things…
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MongoDB: co-locate the mongos process on application servers

I would like to ask a question about a best practice described in this document: Use multiple query routers. Use multiple mongos processes spread across multiple…
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SMO, SSMS are slow for management of SQL Server in Docker when connecting to localhost

TL;DR: When connecting to my SQL Server Docker container via a name that resolves to the IPv6 loopback (::1), SMO calls are really slow. When using, they're fast. I am trying to learn how to use the Docker image…
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Excessive Postgres Docker CPU Consumption

I'm using a Postgres container to run some small non-critical apps and sites. It's been stable for a while, but now the container has started to consume some serious CPU after it's been running for a short period of time. I have removed all other…
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mongoDB in micro-services structure

I'm building a game that have micro-services structure using docker. The way i started to build my services is having a mongoDB instance to each service, so having OneToOne service to mongoDB instance, Resources ---> resourcesDB (mongoDB instance…
1 answer

/dev/shm size recommendation for postgres database in docker

We have postgresql 11.7 database in docker container. We had an issue "pq: could not resize shared memory segment "/PostgreSQL.XXX" to XXX bytes: No space left on device", described here. Solution helped, we do not have an issue anymore. But which…
Vsevolod Gromov
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Permissions issue in Docker SQL Server 2017 while restoring certificate

Docker SQL Server 2017 container @latest. Using master database. The error I am facing is the following: [S00019][15208] The certificate, asymmetric key, or private key file is not valid or does not exist; or you do not have permissions for it. The…
1 answer

Setting up replication with MariaDB 10.3.4 docker images

I'm attempting to set up replication between two docker containers, both running the stock MariaDB 10.3.4 images (which are the latest versions as of right now). When I start up the containers, I get error code 1062 (Duplicate key) on table…
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Is there a way to use standard CLR functions on Azure SQL Edge for Ubuntu Docker on an M1 Mac?

I have a MacBook with an M1 chip, so (about) the only option for me to run SQL Server is to run it as a Docker container. This works fine for standard SQL, but our application uses some CLR features like COMPRESS; when I try to use that, it tells…
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3 answers

Unable to use cyrillic characters in mysql docker console

I'm running a MySQL docker container (latest - 8.0) with the custom configuration file containing: ====================================== [client] default-character-set=utf8mb4 [mysqld] collation_server = utf8mb4_unicode_ci init-connect='SET…
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How to disable mongodb connection logs?

Our mongodb relication has many logs like this: > 2017-11-24T02:15:50.679+0000 I ACCESS [conn6537] Successfully authenticated as principal stats on stats > 2017-11-24T02:15:50.679+0000 I ACCESS [conn6535] Successfully authenticated as…
0 answers

Replication instantly fails with 1032 error; Coordinator stopped because there were error(s) in the worker(s)

I have two databases, which I'm attempting to configure in a master-slave relationship (the eventual goal is to set them as master-master, but I'll settle for getting master-slave working at this point). We're running the latest version of the…
2 answers

Can't restore a specific SQL Server database in Docker

I create a SQL Server in Docker and I can successfully connect to it from SQL Server Management Studio. I copy the backup file mybackup.bak from my server to the Docker SQL container path /var/opt/mssql/backup/. I can see this file in my SQL Server…
1 answer

Differences between MariaDB docker tags

I need to install MariaDB 10.5 latest GA with docker. What is the main difference between the following tags? 10.5.11-focal 10.5-focal 10-focal focal 10.5.11 10.5 10 latest
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