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1500 questions
13 answers

How can I move a database from one server to another?

How can I move MySQL tables from one physical server to another? Such as this exact scenario: I have a MySQL server that uses innodb table and is about 20GB size. I want to move it to a new server, what's the most efficient way to do this?
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12 answers

Should binary files be stored in the database?

What is the best place for storing binary files that are related to data in your database? Should you: Store in the database with a blob Store on the filesystem with a link in the database Store in the filesystem but rename to a hash of the…
Jack Douglas
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12 answers

How do I move SQL Server database files?

I have a database and want to move the .mdf and .ldf files to another location. But I do not want to stop the MSSQLSERVER service, and I do not want to export to another server. How can I do this?
6 answers

Good explanation of cascade (ON DELETE/UPDATE) behavior

I don't design schemas everyday, but when I do, I try to setup cascade updates/deletes correctly to make administration easier. I understand how cascades work, but I can never remember which table is which. For example, if I have two tables -…
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3 answers

PostgreSQL multi-column unique constraint and NULL values

I have a table like the following: create table my_table ( id int8 not null, id_A int8 not null, id_B int8 not null, id_C int8 null, constraint pk_my_table primary key (id), constraint u_constrainte unique (id_A, id_B,…
Manuel Leduc
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3 answers

Advantages and Disadvantages to using ENUM vs Integer types?

Lets say in some random table, you have a column named status. It's real-world values would be either enabled or disabled. Is it better for this column's data type to be an int/bool (1 or zero) or to use ENUM with the values being enabled and…
Jake Wilson
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9 answers

How to properly format sqlite shell output?

If I go to mysql shell and type SELECT * FROM users I get - +--------+----------------+---------------------------------+----------+-----------+--------------------+--------------------+ | USERID | NAME | EMAILID |…
Kshitiz Sharma
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4 answers

Optimizing queries on a range of timestamps (two columns)

I use PostgreSQL 9.1 on Ubuntu 12.04. I need to select records inside a range of time: my table time_limits has two timestamp fields and one integer property. There are additional columns in my actual table that are not involved with this…
Stephane Rolland
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5 answers

Possible to make MySQL use more than one core?

I've been presented with some dedicated MySQL servers that never use more than a single core. I'm more developer than DBA for MySQL so need some help Setup The servers are quite hefty with an OLAP/DataWarehouse (DW) type load: Primary: 96GB RAM, 8…
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8 answers

Why shouldn't we allow NULLs?

I remember reading this one article about database design and I also remember it said you should have field properties of NOT NULL. I don't remember why this was the case though. All I can seem to think of is that, as an application developer, you…
Thomas Stringer
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4 answers

Is it safe to delete mysql-bin files?

I have MM Replication in mysql, and I want to squeeze some free space in the box be deleting unnecessary files, I came across these mysql-bin files inside /var/db/mysql/ There are hundreds of those files like mysql-bin.000123, mysql-bin.000223 etc.…
8 answers

Pattern matching with LIKE, SIMILAR TO or regular expressions in PostgreSQL

I had to write a simple query where I go looking for people's name that start with a B or a D : SELECT FROM spelers s WHERE LIKE 'B%' OR LIKE 'D%' ORDER BY 1 I was wondering if there is a way to rewrite this to become more…
11 answers

How to easily convert utf8 tables to utf8mb4 in MySQL 5.5

I have a database which now needs to support 4 byte characters (Chinese). Luckily I already have MySQL 5.5 in production. So I would just like to make all collations which are utf8_bin to utf8mb4_bin. I believe there is no performance loss/gain with…
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15 answers

PostgreSQL not running on Mac

The error in its entirety reads: psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory. Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"? This is my second time setting up Postgresql via…
Michael P.
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4 answers

How to list all constraints of a table in PostgreSQL?

How to list all constraints (Primary key, check, unique mutual exclusive, ..) of a table in PostgreSQL?
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