Questions tagged [python]

Python is a general-purpose, dynamically typed, object-oriented high-level programming language. Interpreters for versions 3.x and 2.x come installed on the Raspberry Pi's most popular operating system distributions.

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3193 questions
0 answers

controlling 12 V RGB LED strip with raspberry pi

We are trying to control a RGB led strip with a 12 V power supply. The servoblaster does not work. Can you please suggest some other software we can use?
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LIRC with Raspberry PI , problems

I am trying to get my SONY CRS60A IR remote to work with LIRC and raspberry pi 2. Here is the setup : That is what my setup looks like. When I run mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 , I am able to read the pulses. But after running IRRECORD(and copying the…
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Unable to see Temp sensors at /sys/bus/w1/devices which was working until SD card got corrupted

I have several DS18B20 sensors wired to my Raspberry Pi and wrote a python script to read them all. I've had the script running for months without a problem. Last week I performed an update and an upgrade while my script was running and the pi…
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Tiny picture using opencv2 and v4l2 driver

I'm using opencv2 and V4L2 driver on my pi and have managed to get a tiny picture out of the Raspberry Pi Camera Module with the following script: #!/usr/bin/env python import cv2 camera_port = 0 #Number of frames to throw away while the camera…
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Cron error with Python script

I have a python script that I would like to run in every hour. The cron command look like this: 54 * * * * root python /home/pi/moka/ 2>&1 The script is not running and I always get the same error without any information about…
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problem with LED matrix setup with raspberry pi model B+

I have a raspberry pi model B+ , and an 8x8 LED matrix(single colored) , so I connected 8 GPIO pins to the 8 row pins of the matrix and another 8 GPIO pins to the 8 colomn pins. Note that I am pretty beginner in this so pardon me for my ignorance. I…
Shiladitya Bose
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extend the current for PWM LED Control

i am using the raspberrypi to have 2 led's fade up and off. My script works and its ready to go. But i need to get my LED's brighter. Is there a way to extend the GPIO Current of the rasperry pi ? Can i use something like that to realize…
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Noir camera not disengaging when program closed

I am using a python script to access my NoIr Pi camera module via the "picamera" package. Yesterday everything was working fine. Today everything is still working fine, however whenever I close my python scrpit, the red LED stays on, and it appears…
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How to display kannada fonts using TFT display

Can anyone suggest me how to display Kannada fonts using TFT display. How do I convert English to Kannada fonts?
1 answer

Stop while Loop by GPIO INPUT in Python

I am writing a program in python on RaspberryPi, to stop While loop through GPIO input. I don't know why it is not working. Can you please look on my coding and guide me to resolved it? import RPi.GPIO as…
Irfan Ghaffar7
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Change the GPIO pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP to GPIO.PUD_DOWN?

Im working on something similar these link: Connecting a Push Switch But with few changes: LED attached and wish the LED to be high only when the switch is pressed. I tried something like this, but the program does not run. GPIO.setup(18,…
moz ado
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Python script always throws exception the first it is ran after reboot

I am trying to build a home automation system with Raspberry Pi connected to Arduino Uno via USB. Everything works but the Python script that I am using for reading variables from Arduino is always throwing exception the first time I run it after…
2 answers

spidev.xfer2 in python gives IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument

I am currently trying to follow this tutorial. I keep running into errors for the RPi part. I have received several error related to SPI. I removed SPI from my blacklist and followed the instructions from a question asked on StackExchange to get to…
Sean Bearden
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Raspberry PI B+ GPIO not responding

I'm still a beginner, but I can't make heads or tails of this. My new Raspberry PI B+ GPIO pins don't seem to be actually changing when I run python code essentially straight from the web. Am I doing something wrong? Code I'm running this as root…
0 answers

I2C PIC18F2520 and PI

I am having a big problem to communicate a PI with PIC using I2C. When I try to use another PIC as master everything works fine, no problem. But swtich to PI I cant get it to work. To start my both slave PIC uses adress 0xA0 and 0xA2, and when…
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