Questions tagged [raspbian]

DO NOT use this tag for new questions; Identify actual OS e.g. Raspberry Pi OS-Buster Raspbian renamed Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) is a family of GNU/Linux operating systems derived from Debian. Version numbering follows that of Debian and the current stable is 11 (Bullseye). Raspbian is the most widely used Pi based distro and the one recommended by the Foundation, who distribute their own customised images.

Raspbian renamed Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) is a GNU/Linux operating system derived from Debian, which has been around for more than two decades. The current stable is 11 (Bullseye). Raspbian is the most widely used Pi based distro and the one recommended by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, who distribute their own images of it in several flavours, a full version with a graphical desktop environment and recommended software, a basic GUI desktop, and a "lite" version without any GUI pre-installed. However, all versions use the same repository and it is possible to install a GUI on the lite version and add some or all recommended software to the desktop version.

Raspbian runs on all models and includes appropriate kernels for such. The repository provides more than 35,000 binary packages that can be installed using apt-get and other related Debian style tools.

Beware that while Raspbian packages use the armhf suffix, they are not the same as Debian's armhf port, which targets ARMv7 (and so can only be used on the Pi 2 or 3).

7280 questions
18 answers

How do I backup my Raspberry Pi?

I have been writing programs for my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian) for a few weeks now and would like to make sure I protect the work I have done. How can I backup the files I have created? Can I simply plug the SD card into my Windows (XP or 7)…
Steve Robillard
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12 answers

Execute script on start-up

I am trying to execute a script when my Raspberry Pi boots up. I would like the web browser to open up automatically. I have tried to find a simple solution, (like dropping my script in some "startup" directory or something similar) but I am not…
Tyler Murry
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11 answers

Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi

I need to SSH my Pi over wifi but because it is a model A board (using a usb hub is not possible - ever) and I have no ethernet, i can't configure the Pi to connect to my secured wifi network. I want to have the SD card plugged into my laptop and I…
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11 answers

Disable WiFi (wlan0) on Pi 3

Got a Pi 3 which will always use ethernet, so trying to figure out how to disable the WiFi such that it does not even turn on after a reboot. If I do an ifconfig I see the wlan0 device. I can do ifconfig wlan0 down but it will come back up again…
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7 answers

How can I determine which OS image I am running?

I have been given a pre-installed SD card. It boots fine, and I know it is running some version of Raspbian. Can I determine exactly which release it is running?
4 answers

What does the lightning bolt mean?

There is a lightning bolt icon flashing on the top right of my screen. What does it mean? Here's a picture:
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15 answers

How to stream video from Raspberry Pi camera and watch it live

I am new to the Raspberry Pi and even new to the Raspberry Pi camera. I have seen a lot of tutorials online for the Raspberry Pi camera but have yet to find on that lets me stream straight from the Raspberry Pi camera like you can with a webcam…
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20 answers

Find Raspberry PI address on local network

I need to find the Raspberry PI IP address on local network without connect the Raspberry to a monitor. How do I do it on Linux or Mac OS systems?
J. Costa
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3 answers

Boot without starting X-server

During the installation of Raspian I chose "Start X-Server after boot", but now I want to boot it once without starting the X-Server, so I've got more memory to run a program. How do I boot without starting the X-Server?
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2 answers

How to run Raspbian on VirtualBox?

I have tried Debian on VirtualBox and would like to check out Raspbian. How do I install Raspbian on VirtualBox?
JeeShen Lee
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8 answers

How to uninstall X Server and Desktop Manager when running as headless server?

I'm using my Raspberry Pi as a headless server which I can ssh into. I don't need the X Server, LXDE etc. I'm running Raspbian "wheezy". I've already disabled "Start desktop on boot" using raspi-config as described here. But I keep getting lots of…
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3 answers

Differences between Raspbian Jessie and Raspbian Jessie Lite

What are the differences between Raspbian Jessie and Raspbian Jessie Lite? What's better for a Owncloud server: Raspbian Jessie or Raspbian Jessie Lite?
6 answers

Differences between /etc/dhcpcd.conf and /etc/network/interfaces?

I have this configuration in /etc/network/interfaces: auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf allow-hotplug wlan1 iface wlan1 inet manual wpa-conf…
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16 answers

How to force NTPD to update date/time after boot?

The Raspberry Pi lacks a hardware clock. How do I force NTPD to update date/time immediately after every boot? I'm running Raspbian and the Raspberry Pi is connected using an Ethernet cable.
Alessandro Da Rugna
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12 answers

How can I remove the GUI from Raspbian/Debian?

I would like to know how to completely remove and all GUI-related components from Raspbian or soft-float Debian. The most obvious solution would be sudo apt-get purge xorg, but I am afraid that that will leave some GUI packages lying…
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