Questions tagged []

Web application framework developed by Microsoft

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed by Microsoft that allows web developers to create dynamic web sites and applications.

First released in January 2002 it is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology.

ASP.NET is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language such as C# or VB.NET.

1234 questions
2 answers

What server specs would be needed to handle an ASP.NET website with the following usage?

I'm currently re-developing an ASP.NET website for a client and they want to upgrade their server hardware, but they're not sure to what. The current server specs are: AMD Athlon 3200+ with 2GB RAM, running both IIS and SQL Server 2005. The traffic…
2 answers

Setup Email accounts on IIS7

I managed to setup my server to the point at which I can send emails from my application. However I would like to know how to get individual accounts setup, so I can have and etc and these accounts can be checked via…
1 answer

Change Directory Browsing Page in IIS 7.5

NOTE: This post is tagged ASP.NET but really that's just one of the language (families) in which I could write it. I really need assistance with configuring IIS (7.5). I have found many scripts and ideas to effect this but I require that it's not a…
1 answer

Cache Total Entries increase and decrease as a delta shape. Why?

My performance counter "cache total entries" "cache total hits" "cache total misses" keeps increasing and decreasing as a delta shape around every 1 hour.The decreasing is much fast than increasing. The "hit ratio" is stable and "total trim" keeps…
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ASP Application on IIS crash

ASP application always hangs and didn't work on IIS during rush hours connections Also other scripts like PHP are working properly on IIS. The problem only with ASP. I'm receiving this error when i'm trying to open the ASP…
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https does not work externally , but http works

I have an website hosted on IIS 7 as Works fine and publicly accessible. I now created a with self sign certificate. I can access the on local network…
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long access times and errors in iis application

I am having an issue with an IIS application (details of environment at the end of the message). The web site works great most of the time and I cannot reproduce any error in our test system. On the live system however with on averare of 5-15…
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ScriptResource.axd throws 404 server error

Iam running the application locally, performing the WebTest(UI)..I record the test, and stop recording, the test is running in the visual studio, It thorws error telling "ScriptResource.axd throws 404 server error" Excetly the error was Server '/'…
1 answer

gcServer config not taking effect

I'm supporting a ASP.NET v2.0 app installed on a Windows 2003 SP3 Enterprise on a quad core 8G machine running on .NET 2.0 SP1. 1.before enabling the config, ran "tasklist /m mscorwks.dll" Image Name PID Modules w3wp.exe 7888 mscorwks.dll 2.add…
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Access ASP.NET website deployed on IIS Windows Server from outside network

I have an ASP.NET website deployed on IIS in Windows Server. It works fine in LAN. All PC in the network can access the website using the IP of server and port. Now I want to be able to access the website from outside network. How can I do that?…
1 answer

Server for Client/Server Application

I have developed one Client/Server application. Now I am wondering that if I want to upload that application on a server, then which server will be useful here? And what configuration do I need to implement that application on server? As my…
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Do I need two routers to build a captive portal

I have recently started working with Asp.NET. I have decided to build a captive portal for windows as my first Asp.NET project. Currently I am confused with the hardware requirements for a captive portal. I have a normal home router and a laptop.…
2 answers

I am now leasing a Win 2008 server; what steps should I take (remote desktop, etc.)?

I am completely new to this; in the past, I could make a simple site in Visual Studio and use ws_ftp to upload files to the server. But now, we're leasing our own server from 1and1, and here's what they said: "you actually lease a server from us.…
2 answers

How can I provide shared hosting on my Windows 2008 r2 box?

I have set up Windows 2008 R2 and added the web server role, IIS and MS SQL Server 2008. How do I provide hosting space and cpu cycles and ram to clients. I would like to provide them with all versions of the .Net Framework, ASP.NET and ASP.NET…
Rachel Richter
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host .net 3.5 webservice on dynamic ips / domains

hey guys i have written a small webservice which allows users of a company (lets call it xyz) to login to xyz's website remotely via my iphone app (without ever going on xyz's official website to login) after logging these users programatically to…
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