Questions tagged [.net]

The .NET Framework is a software framework for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes a large library, and it supports several programming languages which allows language interoperability

Please note that the .NET Framework is not specific to any one programming language. The C#, VB.NET, C++/CLI and F# programming languages from Microsoft, and many other languages from other vendors, all use the same .NET Framework.

467 questions
11 answers

Unable to install .net 3.5 on Windows server 2012

I am trying to install .Net 3.5 on Windows Server 2012 and it constantly keeps failing. I am using "Add or Remove Features" and my Internet is already there. I've read that if alternate source couldn't be found, the installer tries to download…
Tim Tom
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6 answers

How to properly add .NET assemblies to Powershell session?

I have a .NET assembly (a dll) which is an API to backup software we use here. It contains some properties and methods I would like to take advantage of in my Powershell script(s). However, I am running into a lot of issues with first loading the…
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3 answers

What value of thread_cache_size should I use?

I'm using Asp.Net together with MySQL. In the .Net connection string, I have set Max Pool Size to 150. If I run the following I get these values: SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'max_used_connections'; gives 66 SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Threads_created';…
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1 answer

IIS 7.5 - Disable Overlapped Recycle property not being obeyed when web.config is updated

I have a site which holds an exclusive lock on some resources. I used the .NET Application_Start and Application_End events to acquire and release the lock on these resources at the appropriate time. For this to work properly, there can only ever be…
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2 answers

How to See Detailed 500 Errors?

I have ii8 which I have tried to deploy my web api to. I guess I am doing something wrong as when I try to see if my api is working I am getting a 500 error. However it does not tell me what the error is. How can I get more detailed…
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2 answers

What does the ".NET Framework Version" setting in IIS actually do?

This seems like an obvious question, but I'm trying to determine what the "Change .NET Framework Version" button on the top level IIS configuration panel actually changes. On all of my servers, it has always been left at v2.0. My application pools…
John Hargrove
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1 answer

How to add NETWORK SERVICE to Users permission group?

I'm adapting an application from a different server, their installation guide tells me to Add Server Name\Network Service identity to Users permission group. So how can I? I've tried: Via Computer Management, Groups, Users and adding it there,…
Madara's Ghost
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2 answers

Upgrade TFS 2010 build server to support .net 4.5

What is needed in the tfs 2010 build agent, to build .net 4.5 projects, in tfs 2008 we had to set the MSBuildPath property, but the configuration seems to be different in 2010. I get the following error message. (614): The imported project…
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5 answers

How to load-balance SQL Server 2008 for high-usage ASP.NET applications?

Imagine that you have a successful web application that uses ASP.NET and IIS 7. It generates many calls to a SQL Server 2008 database, and is expected to be available to the public with 99.9% uptime (downtime of 8 hours, 45 minutes per year). Our…
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3 answers

Using namespaces in Powershell

Thought about it while answering this question. How can you avoid the need to fully qualify every single type in a namespace? It's really, really tedious to write System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store instead of X509Store, or…
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2 answers

Unable to get anything except 403 from a .Net 4.5 website

Scenario: Clean Server 2008 R2 Install with IIS Role. Installed Framework 3.5 (Server Features) Installed Framework 4.5 RC (MS Download) executed C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis.exe -i (I'd use -iru on existing servers…
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4 answers

Windows Services don't automatically start after reboot?

We've got some Windows services written in .NET. They start fine manually within the services mmc, but despite being set to Automatic, they never start when powering on (or rebooting) the machine. Update In the event log, instead of seeing "xyz…
James Crowley
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2 answers

Why does Windows 2008 use swap before the memory is full?

I administer a Windows 2008 server (well, on Amazon EC2) running IIS and a .NET4 Web app. I got a memory alert the other day and went and looked, and sure enough the process memory had grown over time via some kind of slow leak. It didn't grow by…
Ernest Mueller
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2 answers

How to restrict unauthorized domains pointing to my website's IP address

I found that some domain (namely is pointing to my website's IP address. I am using IIS 10 to host my website. How can I restrict the access to all such unauthorized domains? This question is similar to this one, but I am looking for…
Vikas Sharma
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5 answers

Does IIS log request header information? If yes, where?

I would like to monitor HTTP request headers. Does IIS log this information somewhere?
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