Questions tagged [best-practices]

Questions asking for best practices in a given field. Be aware, that sometimes there might be no generally accepted best practices, in which case the question is likely to be closed for being subjective.

351 questions
2 answers

how to limit directory size without quota (vserver)?

Hope the question is not too general. As I have a vserver (Ubuntu 12.04) I cannot restrict the size of directories by using quotas. I wonder if there are other possibilities to achieve this. The only method I could imagine would be a combination of…
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1 answer

Accepted standards for incremental or differential backups

I need to choose software for network backup (this is not a software recommendation question). I wonder if there are accepted standards for incremental or differential backups, so different software can backup and restore files without conflicts…
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2 answers

Scheduled Task Naming Conventions?

I would like to hear of examples of a naming convention for Scheduled Tasks in Windows, along with rationale. Thanks.
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3 answers

What should I install/do to “accelerate” my website?

I have deploy a website in the production enviroment, but it's going a bit slow, you know it takes too much time to load the pages.. What should I install to "accelerate" my website? I will install APC, but there is something more I should do?
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3 answers

How to debug and prevent flaky unreliable IT environment?

I am not an IT admin, I'm a software developer (microsoft stack) and I'm trying to understand what is wrong with the IT environment of one of our customers. We have deployed our client\server solution to a medium sized business. The problem is, the…
3 answers

IPv6 is comming

Very soon, all of us will face one of the greatest changes in the global network in last 30 years: moving to the IPv6. So many system administrators will have to decide, how to handle this problem: which tools and techniques to use to connect their…
Alexey Shatygin
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