Questions tagged [disk-space-utilization]

For questions related to disk space utilisation.

For questions related to disk space utilisation.

602 questions
27 answers

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

I'd like to graph the size (in bytes, and # of items) of an Amazon S3 bucket and am looking for an efficient way to get the data. The s3cmd tools provide a way to get the total file size using s3cmd du s3://bucket_name, but I'm worried about its…
16 answers

df in linux not showing correct free space after file removal

I have file servers which are used to store files. Files might reside there for a week, or for a year. Unfortunately, when I remove files from the server, df command doesn't reflect the freed up space. So eventually, the server gets filled up (df…
18 answers

Disk full, du tells different. How to further investigate?

I have a SCSI disk in a server (hardware Raid 1), 32G, ext3 filesytem. df tells me that the disk is 100% full. If I delete 1G this is correctly shown. However, if I run a du -h -x / then du tells me that only 12G are used (I use -x because of some…
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16 answers

How do you increase a KVM guest's disk space?

I setup an Ubuntu guest on a CentOS KVM host with initially 6GB of disk space. How do I go about increasing the Ubuntu guest's disk space from the command line? EDIT #1: I'm using a disk image file (qemu).
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5 answers

Centos 7 Extend partition with unallocated space

I have centos 7 server (CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)) When I was updated my server I saw error you need extra space. But I had 20GB disk on server when I check disk spaces I saw only 4.5GB partition created and 16GB partition is free space…
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7 answers

How can I determine what is taking up so much space?

I was using df -h to print out human readable disk usage. I would like to figure out what is taking up so much space. For instance, is there a way to pipe this command so that it prints out files that are larger than 1GB in size? Other ideas? Thanks
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6 answers

Linux server out of space

I have been asked this question in two consecutive interviews, but after some research and checking with various systems administrators I haven't received a good answer. I am wondering if somebody can help me out here. A server is out of disk space.…
Abhijeet Jahagirdar
7 answers

Setting Low Disk Space Alerts on Windows Server 2008

I was wondering if there is an easy way to trigger an e-mail alert on Windows Server 2008 when any logical disk partitions become low on space. I have 2 SQL servers that have come close to running out of disk space because of the DB log…
8 answers

Email hoarder intervention and education - (Exchange environment)

Throughout my career, I've encountered quite a few users who were email hoarders... I'm managing a 100-user environment where users previously had 100mb quotas and a basic Cyrus IMAP/Postfix solution. That led to lots of locally-stored mail and the…
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4 answers

Windows 2019: can't figure out why my drive is full

On a Windows 2019 Server the drive D: is 100% full (500 Gb used): I'm trying to understand why the disk is full but I can't because both File Explorer and Total Commander reports no more than 33 Gb used: It's also strange that WinDirStat reports…
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7 answers

Easiest way to automatically check EC2 disk space and be alerted if it is running low?

Running the Amazon Linux AMI. It seems that CloudWatch does not check for free disk space. I have a number of servers and ideally don't want to have to configure each one with a mail server, script to check disk space etc. Is there a simpler way to…
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6 answers

Disk usage treemap software for headless Linux

There are some programs which can display used disk space using a treemap, such as WinDirStat for Windows and KDirStat for KDE/Linux: I'm looking for something similar, but for a headless Linux box. (E.g. run console data collection program on the…
Vladimir Panteleev
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9 answers

How much space should you leave free on a hard disk?

Is there a rule of thumb for how much space to leave free on a hard disk? I used to hear you should leave at least 5% free to avoid fragmentation. [I know the answer depends on usage (eg: video files vs text), size of disk, RAID level, disk format,…
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5 answers

how to use du to see files greater than a threshold size

I am having a few situations to which I do not see any thing in du man pages. I want to see files in a sub directory which are larger than a particular size only. I use du -sh > du_output.txt I see the output as described for options -s and…
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8 answers

Cleaning up a server's C:\ drive. All known ways

I have a c:\ on a server that is filling up, most likely due to the accumulation of patches over the years. I'm told by Microsoft PSS Support that it is unwise to simply delete the compressed uninstall directories within the \Windows directories. …
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