Questions tagged [client-server]

60 questions
6 answers

How can you tell what a server actually does?

I've been handed 3 Linux boxes, 1 front facing with apache on it and another 2 which, as far as I can tell, don't do an awful lot. All running on Redhat. The question is simple: How can I tell what the server is actually doing? Zero documentation is…
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Problems on mounted NFS: 'No such file or directory' but files and directories exist

So we are having a medium-sized NFS4 storage server running CentOS 6.6 exporting an NFS share /storageDat (which is the NFS root, with two RAID volumes bound in there: ./dat1 and ./dat2); Export options: rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_subtree_check,fsid=0 We…
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1 answer

Why was Windows picking the wrong route when attempting to connect to a TCP server?

I had previously asked this on Stack Overflow and was advised to move the question over to Server Fault. So here I am :) The application I am working with connects to a couple of TCP servers running on different computers. This one time, we took a…
2 answers

Docker: Collectd does not communicate between instances

I started a server instance in a docker container, connected with Facette frontend, looks cool, facette reads the rrd data. The problem begins when I want to receive data from other computer. I tried locally, exposed port from docker to local…
1 answer

Windows Server 2012, application needs administrative access to open port

How can I grant an application access to listen on one particular port, without running it as Administrator or disabling UAC? Per policy, had to transition from an old server (Windows Server 2003) to Windows Server 2012. The primary purpose of this…
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5 answers

How is cloud computing differrent from client-server architecture?

I want to know the difference between cloud computing and client server architecture. I mean how is cloud computing different from a website that provides me some services. And what is the meaning of elasticity in terms of cloud computing.
sushil bharwani
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How can I store the output of a Linux command in a Puppet file?

I want to create a new file on a specific Puppet agent and store the output of a Linux command to the file. Is there an easy way to do this with the content attribute? The command I want to run is file { '/home/akrall/out_string': ensure =>…
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Why is rsnapshot with sync_first not working properly?

I had been using rsnapshot successfully for years to backup my Ubuntu notebook computers to my Ubuntu server. I recently decided to switch to using the sync_first option on the server and an anacron job on my notebook to get more consistent backups…
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Is there a way to measure clients connection speed?

Suppose you run a website and you are getting reports from your customers in a particular office that your website has suddenly become very slow. But it's perfectly fast everywhere you test it from, so you suspect the problem is at their end - for…
2 answers

WSUS Clients ignoring registry settings

I installed WSUS on Server 2012 R2. Installation went well on the server side. I do not have an Active Directory environment so I have to use registry settings on the clients. I used the following registry settings: Windows Registry Editor…
Aaron Martin
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2 answers

Client computer(Windows 8.1 Pro) unable to connect to a domain(Windows Server 2012)

I am unable to connect a client pc to a domain controller which is a Windows Server 2012 Datacenter. I have tried connecting it : Through the system menu in Control Panel Putting all the credentials correctly Manually changing it to 'domain'…
4 answers

Centralized distribution/syncing sets of large files through local network

Even though I am fully aware that versions of this question have been asked googol number of times, I'll try not to repeat them. I have many sets of many files (some files are small, but some are large, like, ~10-20GB). I have multiple servers, each…
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Connecting to a web server with 2 way SSL enabled doesn't prompt for certificate in any browser and returns 403.7 error

I've been trying to set up a website with 2 way SSL in IIS 10. It's not going so great. Already have a domain I got through NameCheap, and have DNS through CloudFlare (DNS only, no proxy). The server has a certificate for that domain which I got…
2 answers

OpenVPN - client connected to server, but cannot ping server or server's LAN

I am trying to ping the network of the Ubuntu server from Windows 7 (client). Both Ubuntu and Windows are clients on another OpenVPN server with the option client-to-client. The client can connect to the server (gets an IP address of,…
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WPA2 Enterprise: no risks for preconfigured clients when it comes to Rogue APs?

We are using, as default, PEAP and MS-CHAPv2 as inner authentication. I was concerned with security risks when it comes to rogue APs but a colleague told me that there are no risks for preconfigured clients. He told me there are risks only for…
Jade Kush
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