Questions tagged [history]

33 questions
12 answers

Is there a global, persistent CMD history?

Sometimes I forget how the exact syntax of a CMD command looks and then I would like to search my own CMD history. Clearly, within the same session, you can browse it with the up and down arrow keys but what about the history of former CMD sessions?…
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6 answers

Why does x86 represent 32bit when x64 represents 64bit?

My question is why is the shorthand for 32-bit x86 when the shorthand for 64-bit is x64? I'm guessing it has something to do with the days of 386s and 486s, when the 32-bit processors all ended in 86, but surely there were processors that didn't end…
Simon Foster
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6 answers

Avoid to keep command in history

I use bash and I would like to avoid some commands being kept in the history. Is it possible to do that for the next command only? Is it possible to do that for the entire session?
Luc M
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2 answers

Yum: How to show "Command Line" column in "Yum history list all" output?

When I use yum history list command on my CentOS-7 remote server it shows a list of yum history in below format: ID | Command line | Date and time | Action(s) |…
Mojtaba Rezaeian
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11 answers

Unix Legendry (and other *nix as well)

This is the twin to this question. Most obscure/upvoted answer will get the answer vote! Most Unix and Unix-like systems have a "traditional history" that is passed down with each generation, so that newcomers can see and understand some of the more…
Avery Payne
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6 answers

How can I record Linux commands?

Is there a way to record the Linux commands I use and reuse them on another machine or in case I want to reinstall the machine? In example record how I set up NginX, PHP and permissions in my lab environment and then repeat the exact commands on my…
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9 answers

Windows Legendry

Most obscure/upvoted answer will get the answer vote! Most Unix and Unix-like systems have a "traditional history" that is passed down with each generation, so that newcomers can see and understand some of the more esoteric portions of the system. …
Avery Payne
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1 answer

read bash history via ssh does not work

This does work: server:~> history | tail -100 | grep etc 908 2018-01-17 08:53:43 cd /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/default.d/ .... .... But this does not: ssh root@server "history | tail -100 | grep etc" Why?
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2 answers

How can I put the last zsh command in history into a clipboard?

It often happens to me, that I just used a command and I need to copy/paste it either to a different terminal window/IM or whatever. On a Mac, I can use the pbcopy command to get something in clipboard, but I'm not sure how should I get to the…
Jakub Arnold
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3 answers

What is this bastard sys admin or something like that

I've read some long time ago something about the stories of a sys admin complaining about their LUSERS It was something like the bastard sys admin or something like that. Do you have a link from the original history? EDIT Thanks for the link.…
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1 answer

How to show command history with executed time on Unix

I tried export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%D %T' but it seems the time stamp of commands executed before I set HISTTIMEFORMAT will be the time I logged in current session. Is this normal? Is there any way to check when did the previous command executed?…
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2 answers

Preventing bash (and ksh) history alteration in Linux

From the looks of things, fixing ksh to make history alteration impossible is fairly easy. I've seen all the recommendations to make HIST* environment variables read-only, and the use of chattr to make the history file append-only (with chattr +a…
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0 answers

KSH/Bash History for jailed SSH users

How can I keep a history of activities for chroot'd SSH (not SFTP) users? I've tried: created a .sh_history in their home with the proper permissions created a custom $HISTFILE in .profile and in its jailed /etc/profile exported HISTFILE after…
Dumb admin
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0 answers

Linux history filled with priv_escl_start and _end after security changes

We are going through a process to make our linux servers more secure following a scan. I notice that on some of the machines, we now have lines like: LANG=C; printf "priv_escl_start_%s" "[random 8 alnum]"; su root -c 'printf "command_start_%s"…
Johnny Doe
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4 answers

Is RFC 7231 the latest version about the HTTP/1.1 protocol?

I'm doing an university work on HTTP and I try to explain what happens when there is an HTTP connection between a client and a server. To do this, I'm using the "curl -v -i" command on an Ubuntu Terminal, which shows the headers of an HTTP…
john smith
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