Questions tagged [mpm-worker]

77 questions
4 answers

How do I select which Apache MPM to use?

This is a Canonical Question about selecting the right Apache httpd MPM. I'm a little confused between the different MPMs offered by Apache - 'worker', 'event', 'prefork', etc. What are the major differences between them, and how can I decide…
Tiffany Walker
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5 answers

Which to install: Apache Worker or Prefork? What are the (dis-)advantages of each?

Based on the descriptions for both the Prefork and Worker MPM, it seems the prefork type is somewhat outdated, but I can't really find a proper comparison of the two types. What i'd like to know: What are the differences between the two…
Aron Rotteveel
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5 answers

What is the meaning of "AH00485: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkers"?

My Environment CentOS 6.4 X86_64 Apache 2.4.4 PHP 5.4.16 (FPM) 2 Intel Xeon E5-2620 @ 2.00GHz (8 core, 16 threads in each processor) 48GB RAM registered memory. 3 Hard Disk 15RPM 145GB in RAID0 (by BIO Interesting Variables
Jose Nobile
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4 answers

How can I change from prefork to worker MPM on CentOS 64bit?

I'm running CentOS 64 bit, and just found out I am running prefork MPM on my dual quad Xeon. I was told worker will give me lower memory usage and higher performance, since I run a very high traffic website. If this is true, how do I do it?
Andrew Fashion
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1 answer

Apache 2.2 mpm_worker: more threads or more processes?

When using the Worker MPM in Apache, you can fiddle with the number of child processes and the number of server threads per child process. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Under what circumstances would you increase one or the…
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2 answers

1GB VPS - Apache Worker MPM - FCGID - Max concurrent connections - RAM CAP

I have spent a week or two researching and setting up my server to run Apache with the Worker MPM and FCID. I am trying to optimize it to allow for the most concurrent connections possible. It has been a nightmare to find good info on the Worker…
2 answers

worker MPM and PHP

I read a lot of posts saying I should't use worker MPM with PHP. My question is whether this is still valid or could it be that working with the worker MPM is not recommended. The reason I ask this is because i saw that the worker MPM does support…
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2 answers

Relation between PHP-FPM settings and mpm_worker (Apache)

I've a site running Magento on the following setup: Apache 2.4 with mpm_worker PHP-FPM Total RAM in server: 14GB (10GB avilable to Apache/PHP) Each PHP-FPM process consumes approximately 80MB of RAM. I want to fine tune the settings for PHP-FPM…
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3 answers

switching to worker mpm for apache 2 on ubuntu

How to switch from prefork mpm to worker mpm on ubuntu server? how to roll back if there is any problem? root@myserver:~# apache2ctl -l Compiled in modules: core.c mod_log_config.c mod_logio.c prefork.c http_core.c mod_so.c root@myserver:~#…
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1 answer

How does apache handles connections and requests using worker and prefork mpm modules?

I know that prefork module in apache creates one master process and several child processes to handle connections, my question is: Does each prefork child handles one connection or handles one request per time? and if it handles one connection does…
Hussein Galal
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1 answer

apache mpm_worker server failed to respond

I'm trying to update our current Apache 2.4.9 configuration from using prefork to worker mpm. I'm doing some simple load testing using jmeter to compare the performance between the 2. My first test is pretty simple, just get a single gif image using…
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2 answers

Apache 2.2 eventually using all memory (worker mpm)

I'm tuning up a Apache 2.2 server (it's shared with MySQL + Courier + Mongo + Postgre). The server is bare metal (no virtualizataion) with 2 quad-core Xeon (total 16 core) and 12GB ECC RAM (upgrading to 24GB in the next days). MySql has…
Daniel Costa
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1 answer

Error enabling MPM Worker

I am struggling to enable MPM Worker I uncommented #HTTPD=/usr/sbin/httpd.worker in /etc/sysconfig/httpd and restarted Apache but I am receiving these error: Starting httpd: httpd.worker: Syntax error on line 222 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf…
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2 answers

The apache2handler SAPI is not supported by pthreads

It has been weeks now that I cannot install pthreads. I am going to list the error logs then I will list my configuration options. These are the errors I get:(Apache Error Log) The apache2handler SAPI is not supported by pthreads in Unknown on line…
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0 answers

Configuring mod_wsgi daemon mode processes and threads

I am planning to use mpm_worker or mpm_event with daemon mode of mod_wsgi. How to configure processes and threads of WSGIDaemonProcess directive for the optimal performance of apache 2.4.9
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