Questions tagged [net]

34 questions
9 answers

System error 1219 has occurred

I am trying to connect to a remote server and deploy a service there, through a deploy script. I start by stating "Net use" and send the credentials for the server. But here I get system 1219 error: Multiple connections to a server or shared…
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3 answers

Best way to get the MAC of eth0?

Is there a more efficient way to retrieve the MAC address of a NIC in Linux? This works: ip link show dev eth0 | awk ' /link\/ether/ { print $2 }' but can it be found via something like: cat /sys/net/something
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6 answers

How does the internet really work?

Sounds like a dumb question but I bet a lot of people don't know either. I understand servers, clients, modems, routers, ISP's, ect; but what I don't understand is what makes up the backbone structure of the internet. I have never seen any clear UML…
0 answers

Descriptions of Ethernet register/counter names?

Is there a manual/datasheet/some other resource that explains what do all these counters in ethtool -S mean? Some of them are self-explainatory, some aren't... I'm taking them from e1000e source code (ethtool.c). EDIT: just found and…
Martin Janiczek
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4 answers

getting error "SIOCADDRT: File exists" when trying to restart network on ubuntu

Error/stdout /etc/init.d/networking restart * Reconfiguring network interfaces... SIOCADDRT: File exists Failed to bring up eth0. ...done. netstat -nr Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window …
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1 answer

When nginx reports about limiting requests, what do theese numbers mean?

When you setup nginx with limit_req directive, it logs excessive requests like 2019/10/30 17:41:36 [error] 10775#10775: *195997 limiting requests, excess: 10.210 by zone "zone_name" ... I wonder, what means 10.210 here? I suppose, that 10 is a…
1 answer

Net use admin$ on remote not in my workgroup

I have a remote server where I want to acquire admin access by opening the admin share with: net use \\\admin$ password /user:username This is in order to issue the following command later: sc \\ query…
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2 answers

net use command to show _all_ connections

When I type net use as Admin on my Windows 7 Machine, I see no shared drives mounted. However, there are drives connected by users. When I start the windows cmd shell with one of these users, I see these drives listed with net use. How do you list…
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1 answer

Documentation on Kernel variables

I was wondering if some one can point to some good documentation which can give me detailed information about some kernel variable. I am right now mostly interested in the following variables / parameters and how it effects the system and how to…
Sparsh Gupta
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1 answer

Send message over the lan on Windows-7

What'is the alternate command for "net send" on computer running windows-7? I've try "msg", but this command, seems cannot send message to one computer over the lan. Thank you Luciano
1 answer

Windows 2008 R2 - errors with "net localgroup" commands run from a service

I have a service that is behaving differently when run on windows 2008 R2 I believe it might be that the service installed on windows 2008 R2 is somehow having a slightly different context or holding different privileges The service creates a…
Chris Ballance
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1 answer

Get process name accessing certain IP

I need to get process name that's trying to access external IPs. These processess can be malware or updates, they are short lived so netstat or resource monitor can not be used. I've tried MS Message Analyzer but I get bad results (Idle process is…
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Accounts suddenly expiring when created with 'NET USER /ADD /expires:NEVER'

I'm using the following command in a PowerShell script to create new local user accounts. The account is created successfully, the correct password is set and I can logon to it fine. NET USER USER_01 "Password" /ADD /expires:NEVER…
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IIS 8.5 cold start

I have a small ASP.NET MVC 5 web application hosted on VDS. VDS has following config: 2.6 Gz CPU, 1 Gb RAM, 20 GB SSD, Windows Server 2012 R2, IIS 8.5. There are maximum 5 concurrent users who can access this site. Everything is working fast, but…
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1 answer

Get a csv/txt list of users using the "net group" command

I'm trying to end up with a txt file of usernames (1 user per line) using the net group /domain command. However, the output of this command is not conducive to parsing. Does anyone have a way to pipe this to a txt file so that the file…
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