Questions tagged [posix]

POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) is a set of standards for Unix-like operating systems, defining programming APIs, command line shells and common utilities.

45 questions
5 answers

What is the difference between double and single square brackets in bash?

I just wondered what exactly the difference between [[ $STRING != foo ]] and [ $STRING != foo ] is, apart from that the latter is POSIX-compliant, found in sh and the former is an extension found in bash.
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8 answers

Secure Network Filesystems for Linux: What are people doing?

NFSv3 is widespread, but the default security model is... quaint. CIFS can use Kerberos authentication, but without POSIX semantics it's a non-starter. AFS never did encrypt traffic on the wire and is krb4 — and basically a dead project. Fancy new…
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4 answers

Specify default group and permissions for new files in a certain directory

I have a certain directory in which there is a project shared by multiple users. These users use SSH to gain access to this directory and modify/create files. This project should only be writeable to a certain group of users: lets call it "mygroup".…
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5 answers

What are the practical differences between Interix and Cygwin?

Both Interix and Cygwin appear to provide a Unix-like user environment in Windows. What are the practical differences between the two, in terms of, for example: Unix-like "feel" Performance Package availability/ease in compiling random software…
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2 answers

What's the purpose of setgid directory?

I know how setgid works, but I don't know why it is designed, is there any example to illustrate what problems it solves?
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3 answers

Can Samba support full Windows-ACLs?

I've set up a Samba 3 host with AD integration and an ACL enabled filesystem. Using a windows client I can set users and groups permissions. Up to now, Samba just maps to POSIX ACL's rwx permissions, which prevents me from using "Modify" or "Full…
2 answers

Setting per-directory umask using ACLs

We want to mimic the behavior of a system-wide 002 umask on a certain directory foo, in order to ensure the following result: All sub-directories created underneath foo will have 775 permissions All files created underneath foo and subdirectories…
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1 answer

Does anyone know where a good resource for NFS4 ACLs can be found?

I am attempting to utilize NFS4 ACL's in an environment already utilizing POSIX ACL's. I've found a handful of sites on the internet that explain some technical details about NFS4 ACL's and how they're created, but the tools seem to fail for me…
Peter Grace
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1 answer

How to have multiple users access to chmod() the same file?

I have a system where multiple users are running an application that chmod the same file. I've tried using setacl to add both users as user owners of the file to do this, but it doesn't work. The application errors out because the chmod system…
Jacob Brown
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1 answer

How can I find all files in a directory with illegal characters in the file name?

Here is what I prepared and where I got stuck: find / \! -name "*[:alnum:]*" -type f -ls > ~/Desktop/files_not-allowed-char.txt I actually want to list all files which include one of these characters: \ / : * ? " < > | The other way around: I want…
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2 answers

Scheduling a job to run every 23 minutes

There are cases when I need to run a scheduled job in more complex way that Cron is able to provide. Say, to schedule a job to run every 23 or 65 minutes. In the latter case it can be worked around by adding multiple Cron entries to run the same…
Konstantin Boyandin
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2 answers

Do the GnuWin32 tools require the POSIX subsystem to run?

I would like to remove Posix from the Group Policy Object Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Security Options\System settings: Optional Subsystems. Do the GnuWin32 tools require the POSIX subsystem to…
Alain O'Dea
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2 answers

Linux ACL behaviour: settings the mask changes 'ls' output, but not actual permissions

It might be the time of night, but this is puzzling me. Picture the following. [root@node1 acltest]# getfacl foo/ # file: foo # owner: root # group: testuser user::rwx group::r-x other::--- [root@node1 acltest]# ls -la . total 24 drwxr-xr-x 3 root…
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2 answers

Explain why folder's permissions differ depending on HOW user is accessing server AFP vs SSH

Hoping someone can explain what is probably fairly obvious...but confuses me. Imagine two users with admin privileges on our server (Mac OS X Server 10.5). Call them joe & bob. both users are members of these groups: Staff Group ID: 20 …
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1 answer

Give pthread_setschedparam() permissions to non-root user (linux)

How can I give a non-root user permission to execute pthread_setschedparam() to set thread priorities? Thank you
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