Questions tagged [vps]

VPS is the acronym for `Virtual Private Server`. Hosting companies provide customers the ability to rent computing resources, which are used to create and run virtual machines that are controlled by the customer, but run on the hosting company's hardware. Such a VM is known as a VPS.

VPS is the acronym for Virtual Private Server. Hosting companies provide customers the ability to rent computing resources, which are used to create and run virtual machines that are controlled by the customer, but run on the hosting company's hardware. Such a VM is known as a VPS.

Typically, companies that rent VPSes have large VM "farms" where many customers and clients will run VMs that share the same physical host(s), but are otherwise completely independent from one another. These physical host servers are divided up to create many virtual servers, using one of the many virtualization hypervisors on the market. Each VPS can run its own full-fledged operating system and can be independently operated and rebooted.

In the world of commercial web hosting, VPSes exists between shared and dedicated hosting.

The concept of VPS may also be known by the terms "Virtual Server" and "Virtual Dedicated Server."

Wikipedia has a page on Virtual Private Servers that goes more in depth into the concept of virtualization and some of the distinctions between different types of VPS offerings.

1870 questions
8 answers

Why would I need a firewall if my server is well configured?

I admin a handful of cloud-based (VPS) servers for the company I work for. The servers are minimal ubuntu installs that run bits of LAMP stacks / inbound data collection (rsync). The data is large but not personal, financial or anything like that…
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2 answers

Difference between Xen PV, Xen KVM and HVM?

I know that Xen is usually better than OpenVZ as the provider cannot oversell in Xen. However, what is the difference between Xen PV, Xen KVM and HVM (I was going through this provider's specs? Which one is better for what purposes and why?…
8 answers

Slicehost vs Linode vs Which one do you recommend? Are there any major differences between these two? What are your personal experience?
Jakub Arnold
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5 answers

How to save and exit crontab -e?

How to save and exit crontab -e? i tried every method listed here and none works, i have a centos 5, vi comes by default with yum and i installed nano Solved just changed the default editor export EDITOR=nano and now i can do what I do using nano…
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2 answers

Why is my bare-metal 16x 2.93GHz cores computer performing poorer than a VPS with 4x 2.5GHz cores?

I have a written a piece of multi-threaded software that does a bunch of simulations a day. This is a very CPU-intensive task, and I have been running this program on cloud services, usually on configurations like 1GB per core. I am running CentOS…
8 answers

What is the difference between a cloud server a virtual server and a dedicated server?

What exactly is the difference between a VPS (Virtual Private Server), a Cloud Server, and a Dedicated Server? I'm having trouble finding a concise explanation that isn't littered with advertising.
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3 answers

CentOS 7 firewall-cmd not found

I have just installed CentOS 7: [root@new ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) I am trying to configure the firewall, and I'm told that in CentOS 7 iptables is no longer used, replaced by firewalld. When attempting to…
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7 answers

Automating server deployment

I find i am constantly settings up pretty much nearly identical servers and VPSs for a number of my clients and it can be very time consuming. Often the only thing that changes between each deployment is the different website that is to be served.…
Josh Hunt
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3 answers

Why is the chroot_local_user of vsftpd insecure?

I'm setting up on my VPS a vsftpd, and i don't want users be allowed to leave they're ftp home directory. I'm using local_user ftp, not anonymous, so I added: chroot_local_user=YES I've read in a lot of forum post, that this is unsecure. Why is…
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5 answers

How to protect against loss of server on a budget

I'm a small company on not much budget providing websites and databases for charity and not-for-profit clients. I have a few Debian Linux VPS servers and ensure I have daily backups to a different VPS than the one the service is hosted on. Recently…
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4 answers

Change amount of Ram and CPU cores in KVM

How can I Change amount of Ram and CPU cores for a virtual machine in KVM that is already created? Thanks
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1 answer

Why is ping working when all incoming and outgoing connections are blocked in the firewall?

I have DENIED both incoming and outgoing connections using ufw on Debian VPS. There is only one rule defined, which is to allow connection to SSH port. ufw is enabled and working. Yet I am still able to ping from my laptop to server using its…
Frank Martin
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7 answers

How much VPS ram would I need to run Wordpress, Apache, SVN & MySQL?

Does anyone have a ballpark figure of how much VPS ram (without burstable) I would need to have apache with wordpress and subversion as well as the MySQL instance? Apache would host a couple of sites and SSL. MySQL would have just the Wordpress…
Kyle Brandt
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1 answer

Linux says my space is full with 2.4/50gb used

Today I ran across a problem and I'm not sure if it's a wrong configuration of my hosting provider, because I haven't changed anything about the file system. df -h says: df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/simfs 50G 2.4G 0 …
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6 answers

Optimize apache/php/mysql running on VPS for heavy load

Question about optimizing an apache/mysql server on a VPS with 512m of RAM. Under normal load everything runs fast, no connection lag. However when we get our heavy traffic days (50k+ visits) the site crawls and it takes 30 seconds+ to get content…
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