Questions tagged [multithreading]

For questions regarding multi-threading, the ability of a computer or a program to perform work concurrently or asynchronously by utilizing multiple concurrent streams of execution (generally referred to as threads).

Multi-threading is a common model to implement SM in multi-cored machines, where threads share memory through shared variables. In this model in parallel programming a processor can create multiple threads that will be executed in parallel. Each thread has its own stack, variables and ID, considered private state. For every thread there is a unique heap shared by all, then considered shared memory.

In order to allow a volume of work to be most effectively and safely divided into multiple concurrent streams of execution, a number of critical areas need to be addressed.

  • Scheduling: ensure worker tasks are able to progress independently and effectively (e.g. deadlock/livelock avoidance)
  • Publication: ensure data altered in one thread is only visible to others as expected
  • Synchronization: ensure critical regions are protected from multiple concurrent updates causing data loss/corruption.

The underlying tenet of concurrent processing is Amdahl's law (graph). This law governs the diminishing amount of throughput that can be achieved by greater numbers of concurrent processors/cores. Therefore the overall aim of multi-threading is to minimize the amount of serial execution (exclusive locking) within any concurrent system.

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139166 questions
3 answers

Examples/Illustration of Wait-free And Lock-free Algorithms

I've read that wait-free causes all threads to finish independently and lock-free ensures the program as a whole completes. I couldn't quite get it. Can anyone give an example (java) illustrating this. EDIT: Does lock-free mean a program without…
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Rust mpsc::Sender cannot be shared between threads?

I thought the whole purpose of a channel was to share data between threads. I have this code, based on this example: let tx_thread = tx.clone(); let ctx = self; thread::spawn(|| { ... let result = ctx.method() …
Christian Grabowski
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5 answers

objc_sync_enter / objc_sync_exit not working with DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW

I need a read\write lock for my application. I've read and wrote my own class, cause there are no read/write lock in swift class ReadWriteLock { var logging = true var b = 0 …
Yegor Razumovsky
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3 answers

onPostExecute on cancelled AsyncTask

Does onPostExecute execute if the AsyncTask has been cancelled? If it does execute, is it safe to say that I should always ask if the task has been cancelled (isCancelled) at the start of onPostExecute, before doing anything else?
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3 answers

What is the purpose of passing parameter to synchronized block?

I know that When you synchronize a block of code, you specify which object's lock you want to use as the lock, so you could, for example, use some third-party object as the lock for this piece of code. That gives you the ability to have more…
John Rambo
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3 answers

Thread vs Threadstart

In C#, practically, I haven't observed any difference between the following: new Thread(SomeMethod).Start(); , new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SomeMethod)); and new Thread(new ThreadStart(SomeMethod)); What is the difference, if there is…
Shashank sarma
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3 answers

Stopping long-sleep threads

Let's suppose I have a thread which should perform some task periodically but this period is 6 times each hour 12 times each hour (every 5 minutes), I've often seen code which controls the thread loop with a is_running flag which is checked every…
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5 answers

ConcurrentBag Vs List

What is the advantage of using a ConcurrentBag(Of MyType) against just using a List(Of MyType)? The MSDN page on the CB states that ConcurrentBag(Of T) is a thread-safe bag implementation, optimized for scenarios where the same thread will …
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python asyncio, how to create and cancel tasks from another thread

I have a python multi-threaded application. I want to run an asyncio loop in a thread and post calbacks and coroutines to it from another thread. Should be easy but I cannot get my head around the asyncio stuff. I came up to the following solution…
2 answers

What does 'context' exactly mean in C# async/await code?

Lets looks at some simple C# async/await code where I have an object reference (obj) before and after an await with ConfigureAwait(false) private async Task AnAsyncLibraryMethod(SomeObject obj) { …
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Is a variable swap guaranteed to be atomic in python?

With reference to the following link: I wanted to know if the following: (x, y) = (y, x) will be guaranteed atomic in cPython. (x and y are both python…
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Asynctask vs Thread vs Services vs Loader

I got slightly confused about the differences between Asynctask, Thread, Service, Loader in Android. I know how it works. But i still don't understand what and when should i use. I work with Android for 3 years, and generally still use AsyncTask…
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OpenMP vs C++11 threads

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Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture?

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Multi Threading

I'm learning Multi Threading at the moment, in C#, but as with all learning I like to learn best practices. At the moment the area seems fuzzy. I understand the basics, and I can create threads. What should I look out for when creating multi…
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