Questions tagged [swift]

Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc first released in 2014 for its platforms and Linux. Swift is open-source. Use the tag only for questions about language features or requiring code in Swift. Use the tags [ios], [ipados], [macos], [watch-os], [tvos], [swiftui], [cocoa-touch], and [cocoa] for (language-agnostic) questions about the platforms or frameworks.

Swift is an application and systems programming language introduced by Apple on June 2, 2014, and distributed as open source. Swift interoperates with Objective-C and Cocoa/Cocoa Touch APIs for Apple's iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and iPadOS operating systems.

Current stable version is Swift 5.8.0 released on November 1, 2022 (download).

  • Swift is open-source, available on GitHub
  • Swift >=2.2 includes support for Swift on a Linux platform.
  • Swift >=5.3 includes support for Swift on a Windows platform.

Please use the tag for questions relating to OpenStack's object/blob store, and the tag for questions relating to the parallel scripting language.

Swift promises to modernize the developer experience over what Objective-C provides, offering features like:

  • Generics
  • Type safety
  • Type inference
  • Namespaces
  • Improved safety (some protection from overflow, use-before-initialization, etc.)
  • Higher-order functions (map, filter, sort)

among others.

The Swift syntax retains some elements from Objective-C while providing an extensive new vocabulary for its new features.

The language can use existing iOS and macOS frameworks, like Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, and can sit side-by-side with Objective-C in applications. Swift applications compile into standard binaries and can be run on OS X 10.9, iOS 7 (or higher), tvOS and watchOS.


  • Swift 2.0 was introduced by Apple at WWDC on 8th June 2015. They added new features like the "Error handling model" with try, throw and catch.

  • Swift 2.2 was introduced with Xcode 7.3 on 21st March 2016. (release notes)

  • Swift 3.0 was introduced by Apple at WWDC on 13th June 2016, with the news that Swift will come to non-Apple platforms (Windows, Linux, Android, Raspberry Pi, and so on). (release notes)

  • Swift 3.1 was introduced with Xcode 8.3 on 27th March 2017. (release notes)

  • Swift 4.0 was introduced by Apple at WWDC on 5th June 2017. (release notes)

  • Swift 4.1 was introduced with Xcode 9.3 on 29th March 2018. (release notes)

  • Swift 4.2 was introduced by Apple at WWDC on 4th June 2018. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.0 was introduced with Xcode 10.2 on 25th March 2019. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.1 was introduced with Xcode 11 on 20th September 2019. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.2 was introduced with Xcode 11.4 on 24th March 2020. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.3 was introduced with Xcode 12 on 16th September 2020. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.4 was introduced with Xcode 12.5 on 26th April 2021. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.5 was introduced with Xcode 13 on 20th September 2021. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.6 was introduced with Xcode 13.3 on 14th March 2022. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.7 was introduced with Xcode 14 on 12th September 2022. (release notes)

  • Swift 5.8 was introduced with Xcode 14.3 on 30th March 2023. (release notes)




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