Questions tagged [namespaces]

A namespace is a container that provides context for identifiers, within which names are unique.

A namespace is a container that provides context for identifiers, within which names are unique. In many implementations, identifiers can be disambiguated between namespaces by prepending the identifier with the namespace, separated by a delimiter such as a period (.) in and , double-colon (::) in or backslash (\) in .

For many programming languages, namespace is a context for their identifiers. In an operating system, an example of namespace is a directory. Each name in a directory uniquely identifies one file or subdirectory, but one file may have the same name multiple times.

As a rule, names in a namespace cannot have more than one meaning; that is, different meanings cannot share the same name in the same namespace. A namespace is also called a context, because the same name in different namespaces can have different meanings, each one appropriate for its namespace.

Following are other characteristics of namespaces:

  • Names in the namespace can represent objects as well as concepts, be the namespace a natural or ethnic language, a constructed language, the technical terminology of a profession, a dialect, a sociolect, or an artificial language (e.g., a programming language).
  • In the Java programming language, identifiers that appear in namespaces have a short (local) name and a unique long "qualified" name for use outside the namespace.
  • Some compilers (for languages such as C++) combine namespaces and names for internal use in the compiler in a process called name mangling.


Namespaces were introduced into PHP from version 5.3 onwards. In PHP, a namespace is defined with a namespace block.

namespace phpstar {
    class fooBar {
        public function foo() {
            echo 'hello world, from function foo';

        public function bar() {
            echo 'hello world, from function bar';


In XML, the XML namespace specification enables the names of elements and attributes in an XML document to be unique. Using XML namespaces, XML documents may contain element or attribute names from more than one XML vocabulary.


In Python, namespaces are defined by the individual modules, and since modules can be contained in hierarchical packages, then name spaces are hierarchical as well. In general when a module is imported then the names defined in the module are defined via that module's name space, and are accessed in from the calling modules by using the fully qualified name.


All .NET Framework classes are organized in namespaces. When referencing a class, one should specify either its fully qualified name, which means namespace followed by the class name,


In C++, a namespace is defined with a namespace block.

namespace abc {
    int bar;
12341 questions
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What does if __name__ == "__main__": do?

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Why is "using namespace std;" considered bad practice?

I have heard using namespace std; is bad practice, and that I should use std::cout and std::cin directly instead. Why is this? Does it risk declaring variables that share the same name as something in the std namespace?
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Should 'using' directives be inside or outside the namespace in C#?

I have been running StyleCop over some C# code, and it keeps reporting that my using directives should be inside the namespace. Is there a technical reason for putting the using directives inside instead of outside the namespace?
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What does __all__ mean in Python?

I see __all__ in files. What does it do?
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How do I declare a namespace in JavaScript?

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Unnamed/anonymous namespaces vs. static functions

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What is the meaning of prepended double colon "::"?

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What are inline namespaces for?

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Get type name without full namespace

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Namespace + functions versus static methods on a class

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Why are unnamed namespaces used and what are their benefits?

I just joined a new C++ software project and I'm trying to understand the design. The project makes frequent use of unnamed namespaces. For example, something like this may occur in a class definition file: // namespace { const…
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How do I fix a "type or namespace name could not be found" error in Visual Studio?

I'm getting a: type or namespace name could not be found error for a C# WPF app in VS2010. This area of code was compiling fine, but suddenly I'm getting this error. I've tried removing the Project Reference and the using statement, shutting…
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Getting all types in a namespace via reflection

How do you get all the classes in a namespace through reflection in C#?
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How to properly overload the << operator for an ostream?

I am writing a small matrix library in C++ for matrix operations. However my compiler complains, where before it did not. This code was left on a shelf for 6 months and in between I upgraded my computer from debian etch to lenny (g++ (Debian…
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