Questions tagged [outer-join]

An outer join defines a relationship between two tables where all records from one or both tables are returned regardless of the existence of a matching key-field in the other table. A full outer join combines the results of both tables. A left or right join returns all the records from the first or second specified table, respectively. NULLS are filled in for matches on either side. A self-join compares a table to a copy of itself.

A full combines the results of both tables. A left or right returns all the records from the first or second specified table, respectively. NULLS are filled in for matches on either side. A compares a table to a copy of itself.


1671 questions
3 answers

Help me out with this MySql full outer join (or union)

This is coming from converting MSSQL to MySql. The following is code I'm trying to get to work: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE PageIndex ( IndexId int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ItemId VARCHAR(64) ); INSERT INTO PageIndex (ItemId) SELECT…
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1 answer

Hibernate query Left join

I'm tired, my eyes are aching, I've done my research but with no hope, I can't still perform left outer join in hql. Doing this in native sql is very easy, why HQL just don't add a feature like in sql left outer join. I'm lost here! I need help if…
Jc dev
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1 answer

MySQL variant of Oracle (+) sign for outer join?

can someone help me re-write this SQL for MySQL database (has both subquery and outer join) **select REPORT_PACKAGE.SUBJECT_LINE, ACTIVATION_DT, PARAM_VALUE, REPORT_URL, hasCustomerDetails, isAccountsRolledUp FROM REPORT_PACKAGE, REPORT_PARAMETER,…
2 answers

Inner Exception in outer Join

I don't know why my programme doesn't work. Could you help me please ! I have a inner Exception when i run it. var peoples = new List(); peoples.Add(new People { Model = "Mustang", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "L'indien" }); …
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1 answer

Delete based on the comparison of dependable table between rows of each group of the group by

I have three tables: x (column1,..., x_id) y (column1, column2, colum3, ..., x_id, y_id) z (column1, column2, colum3,..., x_id, y_id, z_id) My final goal: Delete duplicates, check the y table for duplicates, and if found check a second table for…
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1 answer

Outer merge two dataframe in python where the left dataframe is larger than the first

I am trying to perform an outer join (union) of two time series in python. The left time series is larger than the first. An example: Right time series - df_1 Time Series 1 3 1 4 2 5 3 Left time series - df_2 Time Series…
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1 answer

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL and perform GROUP BY a 'column'

Here are my DMLs and DLLs: CREATE TABLE `table1` ( `id` int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `value1` double DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; CREATE TABLE `table2` ( `id`…
1 answer

Combine more than 3 data.frames while keeping the extra-rows from the master file that didn't match

I have the following data.frame "A" in R: ID 1 456 200 550 110 and the following data.frame "B" defined in R ID Interaction Student Date 1 email_sent Isabel Gauss 10/20/2021 200 email_sent Jason…
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1 answer

Full outer join not working, got a multi-part identifier could not be bound error

I am doing a full outer join of two tables, but received the multi-part identifier could not be bound error. I couldn't figure out why as I have checked everything else. SELECT A.INTEGRATION_ID, A.CURR_STG_NAME, …
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1 answer

Merging .csv files in Pandas and two of them end up ~100x their initial # of rows

We are trying to outer join several csv files, each containing two columns. The column we're joining on (NMI, which we make the index) is a unique identifier and mostly overlaps between each file (each file represents a day), but sometimes certain…
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1 answer

Full Join and get left table columns always populated even if they are null

I have these two tables in bigquery: Lets say table people Name Country Continent Adam null 55 Adam 1 55 Josh 4 55 Josh null 55 Josh 3 55 And table…
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1 answer

SQL Join is bringing in too many columns

I have two data sets: attendance at a day care in September & attendance at a day care in October. The columns in the data sets are student ID, first name, last name, and then each date of the month. The value is marked as a 1 if they attended that…
1 answer

Self join left outer (all from first matching from second)

How do I join a dataframe with itself using left outer (all from first matching from second)? Not sure if this is correct df.alias('d1').join(df.alias('d2'), how = 'leftouter') Edit 1 df = dfSort = df.sort(col('ID').asc(),…
chintan s
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1 answer

Multiple SQL Joins on Two Tables

I need to create 1 table based on matching the records of two tables, lets call them table p and table c, in SQL Server. The manual way to do this in Excel is to match the Order Column in table p with the Order Column in table c. Once those are…
1 answer

Oracle Query not giving result though outer join is present

In the below query when i comment one line AND EVT.EVT_EVNT_ID(+) = DPT.DPT_EVNT_ID or add outer join (+) in one line AND EVT.EVT_ENTITY_ID ='G' the query will fetch results, else it will not give any results. ` select * from (select…
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