

My pronouns are they/them. Learn more.

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I'm a software developer who relishes authoring HTML and CSS on the web and hacking C# on their self-built Windows PC. I adore Jesus and the colors green, purple and teal, and I often catch myself thinking in numbers and code on a whim. I was also a Microsoft MVP from 2017 through 2020.

My areas of specialty are in web design — I've known HTML and CSS for more than a decade now! — and Windows app development with C# and XAML. Other languages I've worked with include (from most to least experience) PHP, SQL, ActionScript, Swift, Objective-C, Perl, Python, and Java.

Roles on this site

From the tags I participate in (below) as well as my bio (above), it's easy to tell that I'm interested in a number of languages and topics. However, you'll most often find me patrolling, curating and moderating the following tags:

As a moderator, I believe I am more efficient than ever with post revisions and other housekeeping duties, as I continue with my question-answering business. While I actively add fresh content to the site, I'm also helping out with cleaning and polishing our currently-existing posts. "Dust tends to settle", and all that jazz.
