How can I view the list of files in a ZIP archive without decompressing it?

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12 Answers12


The less utility is capable of peeking into a zip archive. In fact, if you look at the outputs of unzip -l zipfile and less zipfile, you will find them to be identical.

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Try unzip -l files.zip Or unzip -l files.zip | less if there are too many files to be listed in one page.

Also, See man unzip for more options

Ken Ratanachai S.
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    You can skip the pipe to `less` command. It is great idea in a big collection of files, though. – omar Jul 09 '14 at 14:39
  • You can also add `-v` argument to include verbose details about compression for each file. – kevinarpe Mar 06 '22 at 14:26

To list zip contents:

zipinfo -1 myzipfile.zip

For detailed output:

zipinfo myzipfile.zip
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Please use


for the same. This is a simple and easy to remember one.

Kevin Panko
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You can make the zip appear as a directory (in which you use cd, ls, etc.) by mounting it with the fuse-zip virtual filesystem.

mkdir foo.d
fuse-zip foo.zip foo.d
ls foo.d
cat foo.d/README
fusermount -u foo.d
rmdir foo.d

Another relevant FUSE filesystem is AVFS. It creates a view of your entire directory hierarchy where all archives have an associated directory (same name with # tacked on at the end) that appears to hold the archive content.

ls ~/.avfs/$PWD/foo.zip\#
cat ~/.avfs/$PWD/foo.zip\#/README

Many modern file managers (e.g. Nautilus, Dolphin) show archive contents transparently.

AVFS is read-only. Fuse-zip is read-write, but beware that changes are only written to the zip file at unmount time, so don't start reading the archive expecting it to be modified until fusermount -u returns.

Gilles 'SO- stop being evil'
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At least in Ubuntu, the possibly easiest command is:

view [zipfile]

This will open up the file listing in your standard text editor (nano, vim etc).

Samuel Lampa
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A more comprehensive solution: vim || emacs

The previous answer by @kinORnirvana is my favorite to produce a file with the content of a zip archive.

zipinfo [-1] archive.zip > archive_content.txt

However, I recommend vim or emacs (not nano) if you need to browse into an archive file or even to view the content of a file contained inside it.

vim archive.zip

This approach works with other archive formats too:

vim file.tar
vim file.tar.gz
vim file.tar.bz2

With vim or emacs you can:

  • browse the directory structure of the archive file.
  • view the content of any file inside the archive file.

enter image description here

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If you're more graphically oriented, Midnight Commander can also browse zip files as if they were regular directories.

Charles Burge
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Its actually unzip -l file.zip | grep "search" or if you have a lot of files

for i in `ls *zip`; do 
  unzip -l $i | grep "search"; 

Update: Changed from '-p' to '-l' in order to search for files.

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(yaa) Yet another answer:

Alias this command:

alias vless='/usr/share/vim/vim73/macros/less.sh'

and you can use vless file.zip to take advantage of vi (or vim) less script.

(also good to substitute less, so you can have colors)

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it is possible to peek inside also with zmore, zless, zcat, but with vim is in a structured way

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Try this -

zipdetails yourFileName.zip
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    Could you possibly include some example outputs? Is zipdetails part of the standard Linux kernel or would the OP need to install this separately? – Burgi Feb 10 '20 at 15:46
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    Wouldn't it be better to use `zipdetails yourFileName.zip | grep "Filename "`? – zx485 Feb 10 '20 at 23:24
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    `Zipdetails displays information about the internal record structure of zip files. It is not concerned with displaying any details of the compressed data stored in the zip file.` zipinfo seems much more appropriate here – xeruf Oct 15 '21 at 10:27
  • @zx485 Using Redhat 7, I'm unable to use any commands in other answers, and we're unable to request to install anything on that server. Your solution was useful, thanks! – Metafaniel Aug 03 '22 at 00:09