Questions tagged [certificate]

Public key certificate - also digital certificate or identity certificate. A document that contains information about a user's or machine's identity, matched up with its public key, and is validated and cryptographically signed by a certificate authority. Certificates are intended to provide a trustworthy way to distribute and determine the correct public key for a given user or machine.

1364 questions
9 answers

How to save a remote server SSL certificate locally as a file

I need to download an SSL certificate of a remote server (not HTTPS, but the SSL handshake should be the same as Google Chrome / IE / wget and curl all give certificate check fail errors) and add the certificate as trusted in my laptops Windows'…
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15 answers

Too many authentication failures for *username*

I have a hostgator account with ssh access enabled. When trying to upload the generated .pub key file with this command: rsync -av -e "ssh -p2222" /home/user/.ssh/ username@ I keep getting: Received…
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8 answers

How do you add a certificate authority (CA) to Ubuntu?

My work has decided to issue their own certificate authority (CA) to handle different aspects of our work securely without paying for certificates. Cryptographically sign emails Encrypt email contents Make access to things like the company IRC…
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7 answers

What is the difference between a certificate and a key with respect to SSL?

Whenever I try to understand anything about SSL I always have a hard time keeping track of what "key" and "certificate" refer to. I fear many people use them incorrectly or interchangeably. Is there a standard difference between a key and a…
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How do I disable the warning Chrome gives if a security certificate is not trusted?

I want to know if it's possible to disable the warning you get in Chrome when you try to go to some HTTPS site that doesn't have a trusted certificate. I have a few sites in my bookmarks that use HTTPS but none of them have trusted certificates, so…
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5 answers

How do I view the contents of a PFX file on Windows?

I have a PFX certificate file on my machine and I'd like to view the details before importing it. (The import utility doesn't actually tell you what the certificate is!). How do I view the details about the PFX certificate file?
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8 answers

How do I deal with NET:ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID in Chrome?

My work place intercepts SSL connections, looks at their contents, and then passes the data to and from my machine and remote hosts - a kind of man-in-the-middle attack. This is not uncommon in corporate or enterprise environments. Now I have a…
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9 answers

How to create my own certificate chain?

I would like to set up my own OCSP Responder for testing purposes, and this requires me to have a Root certificate with a few certificates generated from it. I've managed to create a self-signed certificate using openssl, and I want to use it as the…
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7 answers

How to bypass the "secure connection failed" warning in Firefox 33

Since installing Firefox 33 a "Secure Connection Failed" error is no longer bypassable using the "I Understand the Risks" button - it's gone! Is it still somehow possible to ignore certificate errors? (e.g. for lazy use in local environments) Error…
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5 answers

Add permanent SSL certificate exception in Chrome (Linux)

I have a problem with a website that has an SSL certificate which doesn't correspond to the website domain. Chrome gives me a warning for this website (and rightly so), which I have to ignore manually. Every time I restart Chrome, I need to ignore…
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3 answers

"Private key is missing or invalid when importing a certificate" in Google Chrome

I want to test my web app on https localhost. Unfortunately it seems impossible to remove certificate warning from chrome. First, I generated the certificate like this: openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout…
Maciej Krawczyk
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4 answers

How can I get a list of installed certificates on Windows?

I know I have some certificates installed on my Windows 7 machine. How can I see what they are, the nicknames they are known by, and browse detailed information (such as issuer and available usage)?
Tim Keating
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4 answers

How to configure Chrome to ignore SSL warning on specific URLs?

I guess there no need to introduce the "Privacy error" page in Chrome that appears whenever one uses SSL to access an uncertified website that has no signed certificate (red "X" on the lock icon). I use SSL to access numerous personal locations…
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4 answers

Firefox "Untrusted Connection" warnings when visiting reputable HTTPS sites when using child's account

When using Firefox on Windows, I see an "Untrusted Connection" warning when visiting any HTTPS site, including very reputable ones such as and The warning message says: Technical…
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2 answers

OpenSSL CA keyUsage extension

I want to set up a chain of certificates, with a self signed 'root' CA at the top that signs sub CAs, which can then sign client and server certificates. When setting up openssl.cnf, I noticed a keyUsage parameter, which apparently needs to be set…
Robin McCorkell
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