Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

SSH is a network protocol that allows two networked devices to exchange data on a secure channel. SSH was designed as a replacement for the insecure and protocols that send data (including authentication) as plain text.

SSH is most commonly used in Unix-derived systems such as OS X and Linux, mostly already pre-installed. On Microsoft Windows, an SSH client such as PuTTY can be used.

Related tags:

  • , one of the most popular implementations of SSH used today
  • , the SSH daemon which responds to incoming requests
  • , which provides a secure way of storing the passphrase of the private key

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10440 questions
2 answers

Remove all the keys (credentials) from a PC

I gonna have to change my Windows PC with a colleague at office. I've added a few rsa ssh keys while playing around with git, github, heroku and a few others. What'd be the best way to remove all my credentials from my Windows PC?
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Why does ssh login with same keypair work for one account but not the other on the same machine?

I have an RSA public/private keypair on my laptop; on a remote machine I have two accounts A and B which each have the public key in /home/{A,B}/.ssh/authorized_keys. With the private key loaded in ssh-agent on my laptop, I can ssh to A@remote…
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Accessing Internal Server from Outside through SSH

The issue is as follows: I am using Ubuntu Linux. I am working from home, and I need to access a PostgreSQL database severer within my company's network. Call the DB server X. For security reasons, only one machine can be accessed from the outside…
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Taking screenshot via ssh

Is there a way to take a screenshot of what is on screen by being remotely logged on that machine with ssh? Vnc is no good, since AFAIK it cannot take ownership of an existing X session.
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Can't connect via SSH and publickey and user B (user A can)

SOLVED. It was the group writable bit on user_B s home directory, that tricked me. I'm running out of ideas on this one. Every hint would be highly appreciated. Consider this setup: A server S running Ubuntu, users boldewyn, user_A and user_B Two…
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From which hosts have I sshed

If I'm in a terminal and I ssh into a new host, then ssh to another host, then another etc., is there a way to determine this chain of hosts other than recursively exiting and seeing where I end up?
pythonic metaphor
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1 answer

sftp disabled, but have ssh access. How to mount?

some lab computers at my university have sftp disabled. However, I have normal ssh access. Obviously I don't have root permissions on these computers. I need to transfer a fair amount of VHDL to/from these. I could use, fx: ssh user@lab1 cat file…
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Making SSH terminate on error

I have a script that is causing a bunch of ssh -D (socks proxy) connections to open. Sometimes one of them is trying to open on a port that is in use, in which case it prints an error. Unfortunately, after printing the error it does not terminate…
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Can I SSH from Mac to Linux, with Linux windows opening on the Mac?

This is a question about X Windows support for Mac. I sometimes ssh to a Linux computer, and start software there. The software requires graphical interface (a DISPLAY). I am curious whether it is possible to direct all graphical output from the…
1 answer

Can I make ssh-agent wait until I use ssh to prompt for a password?

I have ssh-agent set up to automatically start and prompt when I open a terminal window, as is explained here. It gets somewhat annoying though since many times when I open a shell I don't plan on using ssh for anything. Is there a way to delay this…
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4 answers

How to get SSH working on Linux laptop?

I recently became interested in SSH, and so I attempted to set up a SSH server on my Linux laptop. I am running moonOS, a version of Ubuntu with the Enlightenment WM. First of all I ran "sudo apt-get install openssh-server". All fine. Now I looked…
Sasha DeTreurz
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2 answers

SSH Key-based authentication fails

I have an RSA key pair set up for authentication into my SSH server. The server is an Ubuntu Server, and I'm trying to log in using Putty on Windows. I load my private key into Pageant (the Putty authentication agent), and I attempt to log in. …
George Porter
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2 answers

Passwordless ssh on multiple machines

I'm quite confused with all the ssh security stuff. I am trying to reconfigure a system that is currently broken for reasons unknown. Machine A is your personal computer that you use whenever you're at home. Machine B is the head node of an HPC…
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1 answer

Restrict number of SSH connections by user name or IP?

Can I restrict the number of ssh connections to my Linux box - by username or by ip or both?
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1 answer

Execute a sudo NOPASSWD command remotely via SSH

I have a remote linux system that I can connect to via ssh and public key and then execute the following command: sudo jetty restart This command on this system is configured to allow anyone to execute without the sudo password. I.e. the sudoers…
Alex Spurling
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