Questions tagged [sshd]

sshd is the SSH daemon which responds to incoming requests. Do not use this tag for questions about Solid-state hard drives! They should be tagged with "hybrid-storage" tag.

The SSH is Secure Shell which allows you to connect remote to servers securely since 1995, when the first version was released by Tatu Ylönen.

The SSH is client-server protocol and this tag is used for the playing around the SSH daemon. The most common implementation is OpenSSH, which you can find in most of the Linux systems at /usr/sbin/sshd and which can be configured in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Do not confuse this tag with the Solid-state hard drives. They should be tagged by .

371 questions
5 answers

Command Line SSH restart Mac OSX Mountain Lion

How can I restart the SSH service via the command line on Mac OSX Mountain Lion please? Using ps aux | grep 'ssh', I was able to deduce that the process is most likely /usr/sbin/sshd. From here I searched the sshd documentation for references to…
James Webster
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17 answers

SSH-Key authentication fails

I'm trying to ssh into a CentOS server which I have no control over.. the admin has added my public key to the server and insists the fault lies with me but I can't figure out what is wrong. Config in .ssh: tim@tim-UX31A:~$ cat ~/.ssh/config User…
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2 answers

How to restart ssh service on macOS?

How to restart SSH in Mac Pro? When I used: sudo service ssh restart its shows: Command not found
Aarthi Thala
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3 answers

How to uninstall/reinstall cygwin to use the sshd?

I installed cygwin/sshd without good results. I removed the c:\cygwin directory to reinstall. I removed the sshd Administrator user by hand. I reinstalled the cygwin again, then run the 'ssh-host-config -y'. Strangely, it doesn't ask anything about…
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4 answers

SSH Agent loses identity while restart machine

After creating keys with name id_rsa at it's default location. I am adding identity to SSH agent with command ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa, It's adding successfully. I can SSH without entering pass phrase of key as It's already with SSH Agent. But ,when I…
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8 answers

Windows SSH Servers?

I was wondering what people use as an SSHd server on Windows? I've decided that I want to be able to log in using SSH on my Windows computers but I don't want to use Linux full-time. What are my options, besides Cygwin (which I know of)? I've looked…
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3 answers

Logging into Windows 10 OpenSSH server with Administrator account and public key

I am unable to log into a Windows 10 OpenSSH Server from a CentOS OpenSSH client via public key. My password is always requested (and is accepted). I've found many posts about setting the permissions properly on the server side for: Directory…
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3 answers

SSH - PasswordAuthentication no has no effect

I'm trying to configure my server to disable password authentication, I'm using keys now. The problem is that PasswordAuthentication no is set, but it has had no effect. I'm still prompted for a password even though that's set. More details: I'm…
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1 answer

How to do SSH agent forwarding on Mac terminal?

I have checked many tutorials regarding this but not getting clearly. As per tuts, there are two way to configure for agent forwarding in your config file ~/.ssh/config set Host ForwardAgent yes By adding identity, like…
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2 answers

Restrict SSH to one interface

How can I restrict incoming SSH connection request to only one interface? I'm using Ubuntu Server 10.04 LST. I want to lock down access to SSH to only one interface because I use the server as a gateway to my home network. One interface is connected…
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4 answers

SSH connection between two behind-nat computers through third public-ip computer

I have a computer at home (home-server) that runs irssi, rtorrent etc. My ISP is blocking every traffic from outside (dumb, I know, but it's the only ISP I can have). I want to be able to log in into home-server's shell from any remote-computer…
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8 answers

Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available

I have the same exact problem described in this thread, but the answer accepted there is not the right one for me, because the user's home directory is local. I think that I configured everything properly on the client side (Windows 7, PuTTY's…
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3 answers

Starting Windows GUI program in Windows through Cygwin sshd from ssh client

I would like to ssh into my Windows box running Cygwin sshd and run the Windows GUI application in that Windows box. I don't want X forwarding. e.g. From ubuntu-server terminal, I ssh into Windows running sshd and then I launch a notepad.exe. The…
Win Myo Htet
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1 answer

Understanding X Windows DISPLAY environment variable when tunnelling

I want to ssh to remote servers, both running CentOS with X11Forwarding enabled. However the X application cannot run properly on one of them - on host B it works fine. But on host A I get the error "couldn't connect to display", each time I launch…
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3 answers

Three-step authentication?

I'm using Ubuntu. I'm just wondering if it's possible to have libpam-google-authenticator (which lets you log in using a code generated by your phone) AND certificate authentication set up to work together, and if it is possible, how I'd go about…
Jesse W
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