Questions tagged [active-directory]

A Microsoft technology that constitutes an LDAP directory service with centralized management functionality for user accounts, computer accounts, groups, and configuration management across many Windows servers and desktops.

Active Directory is a directory service created by Microsoft for managing Windows environments.

It is used for:

  • A centralized Authentication/Authorization source for Kerberos and NTLM protocols.
  • Providing a single authentication/authorization domain for member servers and workstations.
  • Providing LDAP services.
  • Providing centralized configuration methods of Windows workstations and servers through Group Policy and other methods.
  • Multi-site replication of directory-database data.

Non-Windows support is generally provided through the Samba package on POSIX operating systems (Linux, macOS, BSD, Solaris, etc). All modern Samba releases allow machines to join a domain as if they were a Windows machine.

For a list of ports which must be open in a firewall for AD to work properly, see

Some useful links are below

10115 questions
5 answers

Common wisdom about Active Directory authentication for Linux Servers?

What is the common wisdom in 2014 about Active Directory authentication/integration for Linux servers and modern Windows Server operating systems (CentOS/RHEL-focused)? Over the years since my first attempts with integration in 2004, it seems like…
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3 answers

What is Group Policy and how does it work?

This is a Canonical Question about Active Directory Group Policy Basics What is Group Policy? How does it work and why should I use it? Note: This is a Question & Answer to new administrator that might not be familiar with how it functions and…
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5 answers

Restrict access to IIS site to an AD Group

Is it possible in IIS to set up a site in IIS and only let users of a certain AD Group get access to it?
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Should I still have a physical DC, even post-Server 2012?

Back in the pre-Windows Server 2012 days, the recommendation seemed to be to have at least one physical domain controller sat along-side your virtualised DCs. One justification for this was because if your Hyper-V hosts were clustered, then they…
6 answers

What causes a workstation to lose trust with the domain controller?

I've received the error several times on Windows 7 Workstations and Laptops where it loses trust with the domain controller, and I know how to fix it, but why does it do that?
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2 answers

Why can a and o in samAccountName be replaced with danish å and ø?

A coworker just demonstrated to me that accounts in our test AD was able to authenticate when replacing every a character in their samAccountName with Danish character å (ASCII 134 / å). E.g. the user \aaa can authenticate as ååå. I tried…
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4 answers

Force authenticated user immediate logoff (emergency case)

In Active Directory if you want to prevent a user from logging in you can either disable their account or simply reset their password. However, if you have a user who is already logged in to a workstation and you need to prevent them from accessing…
3 answers

How are cached Windows credentials stored on the local machine?

How are cached Active Directory domain credentials stored on a Windows client? Are they stored in the local SAM database, thus making them susceptible to the same rainbow table attacks that local user accounts are susceptible to, or are they stored…
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5 answers

How to use Google Apps as an OD/AD/LDAP Provider

I see tons of solutions for allowing Google Apps to use external AD and LDAP services for login. However, I already have a ton of users setup in Google Apps already, and I'm trying to go the other way around. That is, I'd like to allow users to log…
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13 answers

Do I really need MS Active Directory?

I manage a shop of arround 30 machines and 2 terminal servers (one production, one standby.) Should I really deploy Active Directory in our network? Are there any really benefits, that could ballance the existence of another AD server? Our Terminal…
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12 answers

Best way to find the computer a user last logged on from?

I am hoping that somewhere in Active Directory the "last logged on from [computer]" is written/stored, or there is a log I can parse out? The purpose of wanting to know the last PC logged on from is for offering remote support over the network - our…
1 answer

What does the downwards arrow symbol on a User mean in Active Directory

I have created a user account called "MyUser" via Powershell, and the icon graphic in active directory different to that of the user test that I create via the UI. The scripted one has a circle icon with a downwards facing arrow: The UI generated…
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6 answers

last time an AD user has logged in?

I've noticed that we have in Active Directory more users than the company has actual employees. Is there a simple way to check multiple Active Directory accounts and see if there are any accounts that have not been used for a while? This should help…
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3 answers

What features of Windows 8/8.1 Pro will not work without a Microsoft Account?

With respect to domain-joined Windows 8/8.1 Pro machines, what features of Windows will not work unless a Microsoft Account is used? Also, aside from "feature loss," are their any gotchas of not using a Microsoft Account in a…
I say Reinstate Monica
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0 answers

What should I name my Active Directory?

Possible Duplicate: Windows AD Domain naming recommendations There are a lot of really screwed up configurations out there, because people didn't take a minute to sit down and think about something as simple as the name for their Active Directory…
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