Questions tagged [user-management]

Practices and procedures aimed at performing bulk and/or fine-grained operations on user accounts, permissions, allocated resources.

660 questions
5 answers

What's the default superuser username/password for postgres after a new install?

I have just installed postgres 8.4 on Ubuntu 9.10 and it has never asked me to create a superuser. Is there a default superuser and its password? If not, how do I create a new one?
Thierry Lam
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10 answers

GRANT SELECT to all tables in postgresql

Is there a one-liner that grants the SELECT permissions to a new user postgresql? Something that would implement the following pseudo-code: GRANT SELECT ON TABLE * TO my_new_user;
Adam Matan
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3 answers

How can I rename a Unix user?

I have a user named hedgehog and I want him to be named squirrel, but I don't want to change his numeric user ID. How can I accomplish this?
Szymon Jeż
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6 answers

How do I create user accounts from the Terminal in Mac OS X 10.5?

I would like to be able to create new users in Mac OS X 10.5 remotely after ssh'ing into the machine. How do I do this?
JR Lawhorne
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12 answers

create home directories after create users

I created some users with: $ useradd john and I forgot to specify the parameter -m to create the home directory and to have the skeleton files copied to each user. now I want to do that, and I don't want to recreate all users (there must be an…
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7 answers

What's the best way to see logged in users in Windows Server 2012?

Right now I use a powershell script to see the currently logged in users. But I don't see if their session is idle, active or inactive. I can see when the session was started, that's it. Is there an easy way to see how many users are currently…
6 answers

How do I access the list of currently logged on users through Terminal Services Manager in Windows Server 2012?

In Windows 2003 and 2008 we had Terminal Services Manager (see screenshot below). However in Windows server 2012 it's gone. Does anyone know how to access the list of currently remotely logged on users in Windows 2012 through a similar tool or some…
5 answers

How do I log every command executed by a user?

I want to monitor all user's activity in my server. Even when the user executes a shell command from some editor like vim I want to see them in the log file. I have checked the tool acct but it is not listing the complete commands. (Please correct…
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6 answers

How do admins maintain user accounts across hundreds of linux servers?

Dealing with hundreds of RHEL servers, how can we maintain local root accounts and network user accounts? Is there an active directory type solution that manages these from a central location?
Ronaldo Nascimento
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5 answers

Is logging in as a shared user a bad habit?

I've worked in organizations where instead of creating a new Ubuntu user per person that wants to log into a machine, the sysadmins simply add the ssh key of each user to .ssh/authorized_keys, and everyone sshs to the machine as (e.g.) ubuntu@host…
10 answers

Is it feasible to have home folder hosted with NFS?

I'm planning to deploy some kiosk computers and would like to leave them with a small pendrive as boot disk, keeping the rest at an easy to back up server, ala LTSP. Right now I'm pondering two options. An NFSed /home/, or a local copy of ~/ copied…
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4 answers

Force authenticated user immediate logoff (emergency case)

In Active Directory if you want to prevent a user from logging in you can either disable their account or simply reset their password. However, if you have a user who is already logged in to a workstation and you need to prevent them from accessing…
3 answers

Creating a windows account only for share access

I'm running Windows Server 2008 R2 in a workgroup, not a domain, and I want to create a local account that is only used for allowing other computers in the same workgroup to access file shares on that server. When clients connect they will be…
8 answers

Email hoarder intervention and education - (Exchange environment)

Throughout my career, I've encountered quite a few users who were email hoarders... I'm managing a 100-user environment where users previously had 100mb quotas and a basic Cyrus IMAP/Postfix solution. That led to lots of locally-stored mail and the…
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1 answer

Force "net user" command to set password longer than 14 characters

I'm issuing some "net user" commands to setup a local user on my desktop for some testing purposes and require setting a password longer than 14 characters. In doing so Windows barks back a propmt to confirm the long password, and I'm wondering if…
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