Questions tagged [amazon-web-services]

Amazon Web Services (AWS) delivers a set of services that together form a reliable, scalable, and inexpensive computing platform "in the cloud". If you have a question about a specific web service, consider asking on its tag, e.g., amazon-ec2.

8595 questions
27 answers

How can I get the size of an Amazon S3 bucket?

I'd like to graph the size (in bytes, and # of items) of an Amazon S3 bucket and am looking for an efficient way to get the data. The s3cmd tools provide a way to get the total file size using s3cmd du s3://bucket_name, but I'm worried about its…
8 answers

Amazon Cloudfront with S3. Access Denied

We're trying to distribute out S3 buckets via Cloudfront but for some reason the only response is an AccessDenied XML document like the following: AccessDenied Access Denied
3 answers

How can I upgrade to Java 1.8 on an Amazon Linux Server?

I tried sudo yum update but it just keeps java "1.7.0_75". I need 1.8 for it to work with another application but can't figure out how to upgrade it. Do I need to manually install it somehow? There's not much information on this on the internet as…
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6 answers

What Linux distribution is the Amazon Linux AMI based on?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an officially supported Amazon Machine Image (AMI), but it doesn't indicate which Linux distribution it's based upon. Is the official Amazon Linux AMI based on another Linux distribution, and if so, which one?
Trevor Sullivan
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4 answers

How to change the name and description of an AWS EC2 security group?

How do you change the name and description of a security group in AWS EC2? My security group is named quick-start-1 (the default) and I want to change it to "HTTP, HTTPS and Limited SSH".
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8 answers

AWS RDS connection limits

RDS server come up with 40 connection max, as in the following documentation I am using Magento 1.9, and at some points, i reach the max number then website is out of service. Do you have any recommended way to solve this issue? From my…
Alaa Badran
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8 answers

Copy directory structure intact to AWS S3 bucket

I want to use the AWS S3 cli to copy a full directory structure to an S3 bucket. So far, everything I've tried copies the files to the bucket, but the directory structure is collapsed. (to say it another way, each file is copied into the root…
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8 answers

Route 53 doesn't allow adding DKIM keys because length is too long

Here is how I enter the value for DKIM key: "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwztXzIUqic95qSESmnqX U5v4W4ENbciFWyBkymsmmSNOhLlEtzp/mnyhf50ApwCTGLK9U7goo/ijX/wr5roy…
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2 answers

Tried to create 2 record set type=TXT in Route53

I'm trying to add a second TXT record to a domain, but I get the following error: Tried to create resource record set type='TXT but it already exists Can I add two records at the same domain?
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2 answers

Why does AWS recommend against public S3 buckets?

"We highly recommend that you never grant any kind of public access to your S3 bucket." I have set a very granular public policy (s3:GetObject) for one bucket that I use to host a website. Route53 explicitly supports aliasing a bucket for this…
3 answers

Search ec2 instance by its name from aws command line tool

I have an instance named dev-server-03. Now how can I search all dev-server-* instances from command line? I am using aws cli tool.
Shiplu Mokaddim
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5 answers

What is the difference between a public and private subnet in a Amazon VPC?

When I launch a server with a security group that allows all traffic into my private subnet, it displays a warning that it may be open to the world. If it is a private subnet, how can that be?
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4 answers

Download SSL certificate from aws certificate manager

I am using aws certificate manager for managing SSL. Recently I purchased a wildcard ssl * Now I need that SSL certificate to deploy on enterprise git instance on aws. How can i download ssl from aws?
Shailesh Sutar
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9 answers

How do you recover you RDS master user username?

Resetting the RDS master user's password is simple enough, but how do you find your master users username?
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4 answers

Multiple EC2 security groups - permissive or restrictive?

What happens when I assign multiple security groups to an instance? Is it permissive in the sense that the traffic is allowed in if any one of the security groups allows it. OR is it restrictive in the sense that every security group must allow…
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