Questions tagged [datacenter]

is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems

Data centers have their roots in the huge computer rooms of the early ages of the computing industry. Early computer systems were complex to operate and maintain, and required a special environment in which to operate. Many cables were necessary to connect all the components, and methods to accommodate and organize these were devised, such as standard racks to mount equipment, elevated floors, and cable trays (installed overhead or under the elevated floor). Also, a single mainframe required a great deal of power, and had to be cooled to avoid overheating. Security was important – computers were expensive, and were often used for military purposes. Basic design guidelines for controlling access to the computer room were therefore devised.

321 questions
15 answers

I've inherited a rat's nest of cabling. What now?

You know, you see pictures like below and sort of chuckle until you actually have to deal with it. I have just inherited something that looks like the picture below. The culture of the organization does not tolerate down time very well, yet I have…
Chad Harrison
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18 answers

Do you skip a rack unit between servers?

It seems like there's a lot of disagreement in mindsets when it comes to installing rackmount servers. There have been threads discussing cable arms and other rackmount accessories, but I'm curious: Do you leave an empty rack unit between your…
Matt Simmons
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16 answers

What is the correct temperature for a server room?

When I was working in our server room, I noticed that it was very cold. I know that the server room has to be cold to offset the heat of the servers, but perhaps it is TOO cold. What is an appropriate temperature to keep our server room at?
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10 answers

How to extinguish a small fire in a server rack to minimize damage to surrounding equipment?

Suppose I have a rack with several servers and other stuff. One of servers overheats severely and either starts smoking or catches fire while there's a serviceman nearby. If anything similar happens in an apartment and there's a fire extinguisher…
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6 answers

What's the best fire suppression for a server room?

What is the state of the art in fire suppression for server rooms? What are the top priorities in choosing a good system?
Dennis Williamson
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6 answers

Why do we still use power supplies on datacenter servers?

Computers mainly need three voltages to work : +12V, +5V and +3,3V, all of them are DC. Why can't we just have a few (for redundancy) big power supply providing these three voltages to the entire datacenter, and servers directly using it ? That…
4 answers

Assessing equipment damage following a lightning strike - Should I have planned more?

One of my client's sites received a direct lightning hit last week (coincidentally on Friday the 13th!). I was remote to the site, but working with someone onsite, I discovered a strange pattern of damage. Both internet links were down, most servers…
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8 answers

How is fire spread in server rooms and datacenters?

Every now and then I read that a severe fire has happened in some datacenter, lots of equipment has been damaged and customers have gone offline. Now I wonder what is there to support and spread fire? I mean walls in a server room usually have…
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6 answers

What are the pros and cons of having your own UPS attached to your own server hosted in a data center?

According to this comment by Tom O'Connor (slightly edited below): You can seriously cheese off a datacentre by putting an UPS inside your own rack. What are the risks to the data center should a customer (somehow) choose to do this?
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7 answers

How to take full ownership of an IP address?

My business is... troublesome. What I do is legal in every country on earth, but some people don't like it, and make it so tough on my poor ISPs that I am forced to go looking for new providers more often than I would like. The only option I know of…
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2 answers

Splunk is fantastically expensive: What are the alternatives?

Possible Duplicate: Alternatives to Splunk? This has been discussed, but it has been several months, so it may be time to revisit it: Earlier discussion RE Splunk alternatives For the record, Splunk rocks. But the pricing is simply beyond what we…
Jonesome Reinstate Monica
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7 answers

Cable Management Policy

We've all seen good and bad examples of cable management. What are objective, measurable requirements that can be used in a policy to maintain cabling order in the rack/server room/data center? I'm not looking for "Don't do spaghetti wiring!" but…
8 answers

Server Room Temperature Control

We have a makeshift server room that contains a rack with half a dozen servers and some network equipment. The room is cooled by a dual-hose portable a/c unit that is vented into the attic. At this time the portable a/c unit can not keep up with the…
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3 answers

How do servers with redundant power supplies balance consumption?

I have several servers from the HP DL360 line (generations 5-8). Each of these servers has two power supplies installed. The 2 power supplies in each server are fed from different circuits. My question is will the power draw be roughly balanced…
34 answers

Monitoring server room temperature

I have a small server room with its own AC unit. Recently, the AC died, and the temperature increased from 70 F to > 90 F. We rarely go in this room, so I was lucky that someone happened to notice that the fans were running a lot louder than normal…
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