Questions tagged [cell-format]

Cell-level setting in a spreadsheet that specifies its data type and describes the default way it will be displayed. Use only if the cell format is central to the question. Use [text-formatting], instead, for questions pertaining to creating or preserving the format of text or data. For questions pertaining to displaying cells differently under specific conditions, use [conditional-formatting] instead.

120 questions
14 answers

Why does Excel treat long numeric strings as scientific notation even after changing cell format to text

I'm trying to process some data in Excel. The data includes numeric account numbers and other long numeric strings (like cell phone MEIDs). I am not doing math operations on these strings, so I want Excel to treat them as plain text. Here is what is…
Michael Levy
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6 answers

How to format a Microsoft Excel 2007 cell in hexadecimal?

I would like a format a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007 in hexadecimal but am not finding how to do this. Is there a built-in way to change the base from 10 to 16 for a cell?
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4 answers

What Colours Are Available To Use With a Custom Number Format EXCEL

NOTE. Not to be confused with Conditional Formatting When using the Custom Numbers in Excel I often use RED font for a negative number. See image below. What other Colours can be used in this way ? I know Green & Blue work, but is there a full list…
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6 answers

Is there any way to properly display negative time spans in Excel?

Is there any way to make Excel show a negative time span? If I subtract two time values (say, when subtracting the actual amount of time spent on something from the amount of time planned for it) and the result is negative, Excel just fills the…
10 answers

How to dynamically show the current time (and not date) in Excel?

I want to fill a cell with the current time, so it changes every time I open the file. I currently use the NOW() function for that, but it returns both the date and the time. I want to see only the time. Is there a way to do that?
Lea Cohen
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4 answers

How to adjust the thickness of SOME lines in a Word table?

I have a table in Word 2010 and would like sets of rows to be distinguished from other sets, but still all be in the same table. So, I would like a thicker grid line between some of the rows. But I can't see how to do that. I can adjust the…
3 answers

How to display multi lines in an Excel cell WITHOUT wrapping

I know about using Alt+Enter to add carriage returns to a cell, and they display fine at the top editing panel, but not within the cell itself. If I turn on wrapping, it shows as multi line, but each line in the multi-line doesn't 'bleed' into the…
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2 answers

LibreOffice Calc: conditional formatting based of column / cell value

Unfortunately I cannot grasp how the conditional formatting works. I have a sheet like that: I have defined 2 cell styles "Low" and "High" and I want cells in columns A-E to have one of these styles applied if the cell in column G has a value "L"…
1 answer

How to eliminate auto single quote added to formula

In the cell of a worksheet, I am trying to reference another cell on a different worksheet in the same workbook. Excel keeps putting a single quote in front of the equal sign in the formula square. I enter =AllTeam!B2 in the cell and it changes it…
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4 answers

Prevent Excel to automatically "Wrap text" in a cell

Let's say we have a spreadsheet with all rows having the same default height. In a cell, let's write Hello ALT+ENTER World. I indeed sometimes need to enter multi-line text in a cell, to write some long notes, etc. Then this cell will automatically…
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1 answer

Custom negative sign symbol in Excel?

Is it possible to make numbers in Excel cells to be displayed just as in General format, except for only one thing: another character (or several characters) in place of common minus sign? I.e. make −5 be rendered as “!5”, “minus 5”, ➖5 or even 5. I…
1 answer

LibreOffice Calc: how to pad number to fixed decimals when used within formula?

In a LibreOffice spreadsheet, I want to display numbers (actually, prices) with two decimals. When a cell contains just a number, I can format it to do automatic padding. But sometimes I have cases where I concatenate strings, like this: Image…
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1 answer

Excel - Convert dates and currency as text to Excel dates and numbers respectively

I frequently copy and paste HTML tables into Excel to do quick aggregate operations (e.g. sums, averages, etc). In this example, PayPal, their HTML table contains text values like A | B | C 1 | Date | Type | Net 2 |…
3 answers

How do I stop Excel from converting everything to date?

Every time I try to enter a fraction in Microsoft Excel 2010, it gets converted to a date. So for example: 5.6 becomes 2013.05.06, and 5,6 becomes 1900.01.05 14:24:00. I do not want to format the cells as numbers, because then I have to set the…
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1 answer

cell to overflow text but still consider linebreaks inside text

I have a cell that contains multiline text. Some lines are pretty long. I would like the text to overflow the cell boarder but at the same time respect the line breaks from the text and I need the cell height to be auto-fit. Is that possible? The…
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