Questions tagged [filesystems]

A file system is the specification of how files in a computer should be stored, named and organized. This tag should be used for generic file system questions. For specific file system questions (FAT, NTFS, ext4, ...) use the appropriate tag instead.

File Systems (or filesystems)

A file system is the specification of how files in a computer should be logically stored, named and organized. File systems present to users a human-readable format of data organization in the computer, where each file is a discreet unit of data.

File systems present only a logical format. They don't necessarily reflect the way the data is physically stored on a computer disk drive, or other storage device. Since the computer actually stores data in bits, data on a storage device lacks any structure; consisting of nothing more than a series of 1s and 0s.

File systems therefore give structure and meaning to that data, by — at the very minimum — giving an arbitrary collection of bits a file name and maintaining a record of this file physical location on the storage device.

Common Elements

Other than file names, common file systems also describe and maintain directories and file attributes, which serve as a means to further structure data organization and to give files specific purposes, security features or functionality.

File systems usually store this information in table-like format in a specific region of the storage device. Each file is listed on this table with its location, length and other properties clearly declared. An operating system that understands the filesystem format can then read this table to access a file in order to edit, rename, delete, move or alter any of its attributes.

File System Tags

These are well-known file systems with tags on this site, sorted in alphabetical order:

For more reading

File System, at Wikipedia

Various file system specifications

3205 questions
14 answers

Find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows

How can I find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows? For instance, when trying to delete a folder, Windows reports this: The action can't be completed because the folder is open in another program Happens the same with a file,…
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4 answers

"directory junction" vs "directory symbolic link"?

In the context of NTFS: MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Link Target /D Creates a directory symbolic link. Default is a file symbolic link. /H Creates a hard link instead of a symbolic link. /J Creates a Directory Junction. Link …
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10 answers

How to read ext4 partitions on Windows?

Is there a way to read ext4 partitions from Windows? If so, what can I do?
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9 answers

Why is there such a big difference between "Size" and "Size on disk"?

As you can see below, there is so much difference between the Size and Size on disk fields in my folder. Why is that? I know that Size on disk should be a little more than Size because of allocation units in Windows, but why that much of a…
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3 answers

Why do file URLs start with 3 slashes?

HTTP starts with two slashes. E.g. Same goes for FTP. E.g. However, file "URLs" start with three slashes. E.g. Reading a pdf file using chrome, the URL would be file:///D:/Desktop/Book.pdf. Why do file URLs use…
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9 answers

How far will you get with an 'rm -rf /' command?

I've often wondered how far the system will actually get if you run rm -rf /. I doubt the OS would be able to erase itself (?) Bonus Question: After the command has been executed, will rm have removed itself? Update: I've tested this in a couple of…
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5 answers

On my Windows machine, I had a folder with a name of four dots that acted like some kind of rabbit hole - how did that happen?

The folder name was listed in File Explorer with just plain four dots ..... When I tried opening it, I came into some kind of endless rabbit hole loop where I opened the exact same folder again and again - I could do this endlessly. Showing the path…
Dirk Boer
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10 answers

How can a file size be zero?

Just something I ran into and couldn't think of a proper explanation. If I create an empty *.txt file on my PC and then look at its size, it shows 0. But how is that possible? I mean even if the file itself is empty, it still must have some size,…
Eugene S
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12 answers

Copy entire file system hierarchy from one drive to another

I would like to copy the entire file system hierarchy from one drive to another..i.e contents of each directory as well as regular files in Linux platform. Would be gratefull to know the best way to do that with possibly Linuxes in-built functions.…
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6 answers

What is the difference between “Size” and “Size on disk?”

Looking at the properties for a Windows file I get two attributes, “Size” and “Size on disk,” and "Size on disk" is always larger. What do these two metrics mean?
Gavin Miller
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12 answers

How can you see the actual hard link by ls?

I run ln /a/A /b/B I would like to see at the folder a where the file A points to by ls.
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영
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4 answers

Which linux filesystem works best with SSD

From wiki: The vital TRIM function is supported by the Linux OS starting with 2.6.33 kernel (available early 2010). However, support amongst various filesystems is still inconsistent or not present. Proper partition alignment is also not…
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9 answers

How much space to leave free on HDD or SSD?

In the informal (i.e. journalistic) technology press, and in online technology blogs and discussion forums, one commonly encounters anecdotal advice to leave some amount of space free on hard disk drives or solid state drives. Various reasons for…
14 answers

faster way to mount a remote file system than sshfs?

I have been using sshfs to work remotely, but it is really slow and annoying, particularly when I use eclipse on it. Is there any faster way to mount the remote file system locally? My no.1 priority is speed. Remote machine is Fedora 15, local…
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6 answers

Directory vs. Folder

Are both names synonyms or should one prefer one name over the other on different platforms?
Mike L.
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