Questions tagged [gnome-terminal]

GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment. Among its key features are support for multiple profiles, colored text, tabs, mouse support, URL detection a number of UI customizations and compatibility options.

GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulator for the GNOME desktop environment. Among its key features are support for multiple profiles, colored text, tabs, mouse support, URL detection a number of UI customizations and compatibility options.

Tag your question with this tag if it's specific to GNOME Terminal program. Do not use this tag if your question is about the usage of terminal programs in general or command line interface

See also:

223 questions
9 answers

In vim, how can I quickly switch between tabs?

In gnome-terminal, I can just press Alt + (1, 2, 3, etc.) to switch to specific tabs. I can also use Ctrl + (PgUp / PgDn) to cycle through tabs (admittedly less convenient, but it can be remapped). If I want to use vim tabs instead of gnome-terminal…
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8 answers

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of GNOME Terminal

When I connect via ssh to certain servers, it timeouts and "freezes" the terminal (doesn't accept input, doesn't disconnect, can't Ctrl-C to kill the ssh process or anything). This is in Ubuntu's gnome-terminal though it seems to be pausing the…
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4 answers

Slight delay when switching modes in vim using tmux or screen

Switching to and from insert mode in Vim is no longer instantaneous since I use tmux. After pressing Esc in insert mode, it takes a noticeable amount of time to actually get out of insert mode. After pressing Esc and any other key afterwards the…
Ton van den Heuvel
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3 answers

How to show output on terminal and save to a file at the same time?

I am using: user@unknown:~$ sudo command -option > log to save the results of "command" to the file "log", but I'd like to also get the result on the terminal, is this possible? I am using ubuntu 10.04 lts.
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4 answers

Is there any way to keep text passed to head, tail, less, etc. to be colored?

Is there any way to keep colorization of text passed through pipe | to head, tail, less, etc.?
Timofey Gorshkov
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4 answers

How do I edit previous lines in a multiple line command in Bash?

When entering a command which spans multiple lines in Bash, how do I edit previous lines? I'm a Linux Mint (Lisa) user using GNOME Terminal. For example, let's say I type: $ echo "foo bar > baz > And then when I'm about to type the third line of…
Asher Walther
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4 answers

How to make mouse wheel scroll the less pager using bash and gnome-terminal?

I have two computers with the latest Fedora. On the first, I'm using zsh and the mouse wheel can be used with the less pager within gnome-terminal to scroll the pager. On the second, I use bash and the mouse whell scroll the terminal history, not…
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2 answers

Open gnome terminal programmatically and execute commands after bashrc was executed

For starting my dev environment I wrote a little script. One part is to open a gnome terminal with several tabs where automatically some commands should be executed. Some of those commands depend on an already executed .bashrc. But when…
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1 answer

Why does vim delay for a second whenever I use the 'O' command (open a new line above and insert)?

When I use most commands, they take effect instantly. When I use the O command, however, I see the "O" replace the current character for a about a second, then the current character returns, and a new line is inserted and opened. I have no such…
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4 answers

Vim colors not working properly in terminal

I'm using gnome terminal, and vim with solarized color theme. When I open vim in the terminal, it's illegible. But when I open a file in gvim, the color scheme works perfectly. Gnome terminal's color scheme is also solarized. One thing to note is…
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5 answers

Console like Gnome Terminal for Windows

I'm looking for console like the Gnome Terminal for Windows to replace cmd.exe. I'd like to have tabs and easy copy&paste. Do you know a tool like that?
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6 answers

Save multiple gnome-terminal layout?

I have multiple gnome-terminal windows open. Is there a way to save the settings (window position, no. of tabs, title etc). across OS reboots ?
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4 answers

Can I have my terminal background change based on hostname?

I'd like to have my terminal background color change based on hostname. My reasoning for this is mainly to have and extra way to remind myself what server I am on, so I don't do something stupid. Is there someway I can have it use the standard…
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4 answers

Terminal that supports the ANSI italic escape code?

I would like to replace GVim with Vim in the terminal. One of the nice things about GVim is that it is able to display text using italics. Vim allows setting an ANSI escape code for italics (\e[3m), but this does not work in Gnome Terminal. Is there…
Ton van den Heuvel
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3 answers

Using Ctrl-Tab to switch between tabs in gnome-terminal

is there any way to switch between tabs using Ctrl-Tab shortcut?
Morris Jobke
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