Questions tagged [timeout]

A pre-determined amount of time a process will wait for interaction with it before it continues with a specified task.

202 questions
8 answers

Way to avoid ssh connection timeout & freezing of GNOME Terminal

When I connect via ssh to certain servers, it timeouts and "freezes" the terminal (doesn't accept input, doesn't disconnect, can't Ctrl-C to kill the ssh process or anything). This is in Ubuntu's gnome-terminal though it seems to be pausing the…
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12 answers

PuTTY Network Error: Software caused connection abort

I have a strange problem: When I'm using PuTTY with SSH connecting to a Linux server hosted in VMware on my local Windows 7, I often get the error saying "Network error: Software caused connection abort" and then the PuTTY SSH window is inactive.…
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3 answers

How can I change the default website connection timeout in Chrome?

I want to change the default timeout in Chrome. In Firefox I can set the value of network.http.connection-timeout in about:config - but how can I do that in Chrome?
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2 answers

How to turn down the timeout between prefix key and command key in tmux?

My ~/.tmux.conf: set -g prefix C-a unbind C-b bind C-a send-prefix bind-key o split-window -v bind-key e split-window -h bind-key w kill-pane (to make the command keys same as GNOME Teminator) The situation: after horizontal splitting window into…
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9 answers

How can I change the time before the system locks?

When I step away from my Linux computer for a while, the system locks and I have to enter my password to unlock it. How can I change the time before the system locks? I've hunted through all the GUI menus and haven't found anything. There are some…
James Magruder
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3 answers

How can I change the connection timeout setting in Firefox?

When I load a page which can't be connected for some reasons, before Firefox shows the error "The connection has timed out", I will wait for about three minutes. I want change the Firefox connection timeout value to 20 seconds. I found something…
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3 answers

no response when I ping my website, but I can still access it?

Sorry, this may be a dumb question, but I noticed something weird when I went to terminal and typed ping -o and I get the message... Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 but when I visit my site, it's fine. Is this something to be concerned…
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1 answer

Why Windows 7 / PuTTY drop TCP connections even on very brief outages?

I have a small local network that piggybacks on a captive WiFi, and I use ssh on OS X with -oServerAliveInterval=240 and PuTTY 0.62 on Windows 7 Professional for establishing connections to my Linode, Hetzner and other servers. With PuTTY, I select…
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3 answers

Multihomed Windows 10 DNS resolution timeouts

I have a number of multihomed Windows 10 client VMs joined to a Windows 2012 R2 domain. Ethernet1 is connected to a LAN with the domain controllers (which do not have forwarders, or access to the root servers), Ethernet2 is connected to a LAN with…
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4 answers

Bash Run command for certain time?

I am making a bash script for my own use. How can I run a command for a certain time (like 20 seconds) and then terminate it? I have tried a lot of solutions but nothing works. I also tried the timeout command with no success. Please give me some…
Umair Riaz
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1 answer

Chrome, standard timeout?

What is the standard (out of the box) timeout for Chrome? How do I change the timeout settings and have a different timeout for developers and a standard users of my service?
Jolene N
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2 answers

Timeout settings for Remote Desktop Sessions to lock

Our office uses a Windows 2003 server to provide access to an accounting application. Recently I was asked to increase the amount of time it takes for the session to lock itself and require the entry of the user's password to resume. That seems to…
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5 answers

Windows command line time limit

How might I go about limiting the execution time of a command line program in Windows? I know in Linux there is timeout/timelimit available, but I have been unable to find similar utilities for Windows.
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3 answers

How can I get ping timeout below 1 second?

I have a web application that runs through thousands of IP addresses and checks if they're online. Basically, if a server uses more than 250ms to respond, it's considered offline in our case. It would be an enormous timesaver if we could get the…
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4 answers

How to fix semaphore timeout period has expired

I bough a new hard drive and I'm attempting to copy stuff off the old hard drive to the new one. I tried it using Windows Vista and Windows 7 but no go. Then I tried installing some 3rd party updated drivers that were supposed to fix the problem now…
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