Questions tagged [home-networking]

A computer network in a domestic setting is called a home network. It usually smaller than an office network, just connecting two or three computers and a modem/router.

When an Ethernet or wireless network is installed in the home it's called a Home Network. It's exactly the same technology as an office network, but usually a lot smaller in scale and traffic.

There may be special problems in the home where wires have to be fitted into existing spaces rather than fitted as part of the office infrastructure.

Home networking on Wikipedia

1617 questions
5 answers

How can I get the same SSID for multiple access points?

I need to upgrade my existing wireless infrastructure and this time I want 2 access points to cover my house, since I get blind spots no matter what with a single AP. I have physical cabling to my central network available for both access points. I…
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15 answers

Running DNS locally for home network

I have a small home network that just got larger (new roommate, my existing roommate got a laptop (on top of her computer), my friends coming over with laptops, etc.). I'd like to run a local DNS server for lookups of my local network stuff…
Roy Rico
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5 answers

Why are home networks prefixed with 192.168?

Why are home networks prefixed with 192.168 ? Why those numbers? For some historical reasons?
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15 answers

How can I monitor all and any Internet traffic from my home PC?

I would like to monitor all and any Internet traffic from my home PC to see what programs installed on my home machine are accessing the Internet. I thought I could use Fiddler for this, but I noticed Firefox traffic doesn't show up by default; you…
Paul Rowland
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6 answers

What is a subnet mask, and the difference between a subnet mask of and

My DSL/WiFi router provided by my ISP has an internal IP address of, the addresses provided by DHCP are in the format of Now, I want to start using static IP addresses on my local network, and I don't know what to provide for…
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun
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3 answers

Is there a good DNS server I can install on Windows 7 for a LAN?

I have a few computers on my LAN, and now I'm getting tired of remembering the IP addresses all the time, so I would like to start using DNS names on my LAN. I have a heterogeneous network with Windows 7, Ubuntu, Mac OS X and Android. Is there a…
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4 answers

How should I connect 7 devices to a switch module with four ethernet interfaces? Is there a preferred topology?

I have a router/switch with four switch ports on the back, to which I need to connect seven devices. Is there a reason to prefer one or other of the below topologies, or would a completely different setup be better? ============ || || ||…
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4 answers

How will a router with NAT disabled behave?

I noticed that my home router has the option to disable NAT. How will the router behave with NAT turned off? Will it simply broadcast all incoming traffic to the subnet?
3 answers

How does port-forwarding help in torrents?

I use Transmission to download files but it says that a certain port is required to be opened. However, while this port is closed I noticed that I can still download files with no problem. But when I opened the port via my router I can see a…
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6 answers

I have a domain, static IP address and many devices I'd like to access outside my house. How do I route them?

I have a domain (e.g., static IP address (e.g. and local devices at,,,, (this one is not a website). How do I access these devices using subdomains…
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10 answers

Can I make two wireless routers communicate using the wireless?

I want to make a setup like this: cable modem <-cable-> wireless router 1 <-wireless-> wireless router 2 in another room <-cables-> PCs in another room Basically, I want to extend my network access across the house and then have a bunch of network…
8 answers

Can Windows 10 on A modern laptop support simultaneous connections to two ISPs?

I live in a rural area with only two choices for Internet connection, 1.2 Mbit/s DSL from AT&T or 15 Mbit/s from old-style satellites with 700 ms ping time and fast only in averages. The fast connection is OK for web access, but the shorter lag time…
Phil Scherrer
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12 answers

What are my options for a multi-Terabyte home NAS?

I've got alot of DVDs and have been slowly ripping, encoding, and tagging them and I've nearly filled my WD MyBook 1TB. I'm estimating that I've got about 1.5 or 2Tb to go to complete my current collection. I've spent alot of time on the files, and…
Bob King
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8 answers

Any recommendations on a NAS for a home-super-user?

Can anyone recommend a good NAS for use in a home-server environment? I would request at least 2, preferably 4 disks, and I am most interested in good to excellent throughput for file-server and backup purposes - don't need any of the fancy…
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6 answers

Access my home network printer while I am using VPN to connect to work

When I work from home, I am connected to the resources in my company via VPN. In my home network there is a network printer in the same local network. The problem is that when I open VPN to my company, I cannot access my home network printer any…
Honza Zidek
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