Questions tagged [http]

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the protocol most commonly used to transfer information around the World Wide Web.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a communications protocol used for information transfer on the World Wide Web. It enables a client (e.g. a web browser, crawler, or even a web application) to communicate with a server by sending requests and receiving responses to those requests. Those responses may, but don't have to, contain resources requested by the client, such as HTML pages, images, stylesheets or binary files.

Connection between the client and the server can optionally be secured with the use of the (HTTP Secure) protocol, which encrypts all information transferred, as well as establishes the identity of the server.

Other protocols that HTTP relies on include:

  • Transmission Control Protocol
  • User Datagram Protocol
  • Internet Control Message Protocol

Protocols similar to HTTP include:

  • Post Office Protocol
  • File Transfer Protocol
  • Internet Message Access Protocol
1027 questions
7 answers

How do I make a POST request using curl?

How do I make a POST request using cURL's command-line tool?
Laurie Young
19 answers

Getting curl to output HTTP status code?

I'm using curl at the command line on Linux to issue HTTP requests. The response bodies are printed to standard out, which is fine, but I can't see from the man page how to get curl to print the HTTP status code from the response (404, 403 etc). …
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15 answers

Looking for HTTP debugging proxy for Mac similar to Fiddler on Windows

In previous jobs when I've worked on a Windows machine, I've used Fiddler for viewing HTTP transactions and debugging. I'm specifically looking to monitor the HTTP transactions for an ajax site I'm working on to verify that the site is doing what I…
Doug Harris
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9 answers

How do I make Firefox forget HTTP Basic Auth?

How can I make Firefox "invalidate" it's saved HTTP Basic Auth credentials for a website from the client side? Currently, I have to restart the browser, which is rather cumbersome with multiple tabs open. Is there a way to do this without having to…
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10 answers

Extremely simple web server for Windows?

A few years ago I used a super simple free web server for Windows. The only thing you had to do was copy an exe to a dir, double-click that exe, and - voilá - that dir was now accessible over HTTP. The only problem is that I can't find that little…
Martin R-L
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1 answer

Chrome 68 "Not secure" How to make it in red color?

Chrome 68 new security feature I absolutely love the new feature which is showing: on all non-HTTPS sites as of Chrome version 68. Though, I would like it in red color for my mother to see clearly whether she is shopping on an at least…
Vlastimil Burián
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6 answers

Wget HEAD request?

I'd like to send the HTTP HEAD request using wget. Is it possible?
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4 answers

Can you get a reply from a HTTPS site using the Ping command?

I tried using the ping command on a https page, but the message says that ping could not find the host. Is there some issue regarding ping and https?
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT
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4 answers

How do web servers know whether you're using direct IP address access?

Some web servers, when accessed using their IP address, return an error that direct IP address access is not allowed. I've been wondering for some time how this works. I mean, doesn't the browser always resolve the IP address and connect to it?…
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8 answers

Convert HTTP requests to SOCKS5

I'm currently doing some testing work with TOR and ran in to a small problem. Tor's client only supports receiving connections through a SOCKS5 protocol, but the applications I'm using only support HTTP Proxy Protocals. Is it possible to put…
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3 answers

Can I detect what webserver a website is using?

Is there any program or command that I can use to detect what webserver a website is using? With webserver I mean in software i.e. IIS 6, Apache or nginx.
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7 answers

How to track url redirects in the browser?

When I type in my browser and press ENTER, this website redirects me to, from there to and then I finally landed on These redirection happens…
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5 answers

How can I do a HTTP PUT with Wget?

I am trying to use Wget to access a RESTful interface, but I can not figure out how to do HTTP PUT with Wget. How can I do it? Or isn't it prossible?
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3 answers

Are HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables standard?

It seems that a lot of programs are designed to read these environment variables to decide what proxy to go through in order to connect to a resource on the internet. Those programs may also have their own, individual proxy settings, but if those…
Niko Bellic
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4 answers

Difference between pinging with and without http://

I am trying to ping my website and it resolves to an unknown IP address and times out. PING ( 56 data bytes Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 Request timeout for icmp_seq 1 Request…
Saransh Singh
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