Questions tagged [ip]

The IP (internet protocol) is a protocol for transmitting data over packets ("datagrams"). It is the primary protocol of the Internet. "IP" may also refer to an IP address, the numerical address assigned to an IP-capable device.

The Internet Protocol (IP) forms the basis of media-independent transmission and routing (a.k.a forwarding) of network packets, it is part of the Internet Protocol Suite.

In the OSI model, it resides at Layer 3 (the network layer). The protocol data unit for this layer is called a packet. IP packets are identified by source and destination IP addresses.

IP addresses, in combination with subnet masks, provide the basis for the concept of networks (or internetworks, more exactly) in the OSI model.

This means that a node, using IP addressing, can talk to machines it is directly connected to (on the same subnet), or that is on another network (on a different subnet).

While subnet masks are not specified in IP packets, they are used by devices that transmit and receive IP packets to determine if the packet is meant for another node that network, or another network. If the traffic is not meant for this network, it must be forwarded to that network via a router, and vice versa.

This is all in contrast to the common Layer 2 protocol Ethernet, in which nodes can only talk to other nodes reachable on the same network.

IP provides no guarantees on packet delivery. Responsibility for ensuring this reliability through retransmission and data integrity checking is assumed by a higher layer protocol, usually TCP.

2758 questions
3 answers

Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?

John Carmack tweeted, I can send an IP packet to Europe faster than I can send a pixel to the screen. How f’d up is that? And if this weren’t John Carmack, I’d file it under “the interwebs being silly”. But this is John Carmack. How can this be…
Konrad Rudolph
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4 answers

Why does pinging 192.168.072 (only 2 dots) return a response from

I mistakenly missed the dot off of an IP address and typed in 192.168.072. To my surprise I connected to a machine at If I ping 192.168.072 I get responses from Why is this? I'm on a Windows PC on a Windows domain. If I…
George Duckett
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10 answers

How can I list all IPs in the connected network, through Terminal preferably?

Using Ubuntu 10.10 command line, how can I list all IPs connected to my home network? Ideally, it needs to be a CLI command as I will be running it from C++.
Christopher Gwilliams
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14 answers

What is the exact use of a MAC address?

I understand that IP addresses are hierarchical, so that routers throughout the internet know which direction to forward a packet. With MAC addresses, there is no hierarchy, and thus packet forwarding would not be possible. So, MAC addresses are not…
Vishnu Vivek
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7 answers

Why can't I email myself at: MyEmail@

I opened cmd and typed ping It shows me: C:\Windows\system32>ping Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=56 Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms…
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7 answers

IP address that is the equivalent of /dev/null

Is there an IP address that would result in any packet sent to be ignored (blackholed)? I know I can always set up a router with an IP address and then just have it ignore all packets sent to it, but does such a thing exist to save me the trouble?
Tyler Durden
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14 answers

Must TCP use IP?

Is it true that TCP is short for TCP/IP and they mean the same thing? Is it possible for TCP to be built on top of another protocol besides IP?
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6 answers

Why is localhost IP

I wondered what is the origin of the decision to make localhost's IP address What is the "meaning" of 127? what is the "meaning" of 0.0.1?
Roee Adler
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10 answers

Are IP addresses with and without leading zeroes the same?

I have a security system and the network setting only allows a three-digit IP address. I can't set it to, instead I have to use Are these two IP addresses different? Do I need to set my router's LAN to be all…
Brock Vond
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2 answers

Why does Qatar use a single IP address when 800,000 IP addresses are allocated to it?

In discussions about IP address banning, IP is often cited as an example. According to Wikipedia, this IP address is the public address of "the entire nation of Qatar". There are two things I don't quite understand: Why does Qatar use…
Dmitry Grigoryev
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15 answers

Windows command that returns external IP

Is there a command by which I can find my external IP of my router or my NAT\DSL Router, etc., eliminating the need to visit or similar.
Junaid Saeed
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9 answers

Can you grab any IP address on the Internet?

On a personal network (LAN) one can simply grab an IP address. If you choose the same IP address as an existing client, you get problems. There are companies like IANA and ICANN that are in charge of IP address bulks and sells them. But what stops…
Friend of Kim
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7 answers

Do servers hold one website only?

As from what I understand the DNS link the domain name with the IP address of the server the website is stored on, does that mean each server can only hold one website? If they don't, how does calling the server's IP address know which website I…
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8 answers

Do two computers connected on the same Wi-Fi have the same IP address?

Do two computers connected on the same Wi-Fi have the same IP address (for example, my dad's computer and my computer, at home)? If so, how does the outside world distinguishes one computer with the other? (for example, when a server wants to send…
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7 answers

How can I own an IP address?

How can I own an IP address like I do with domains? I have done some research and it seems that you can't buy a single IP, but rather you have to purchase a range of IP addresses. Update : Important Note I want this IP to use it with my servers. for…
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