Questions tagged [ip]

The IP (internet protocol) is a protocol for transmitting data over packets ("datagrams"). It is the primary protocol of the Internet. "IP" may also refer to an IP address, the numerical address assigned to an IP-capable device.

The Internet Protocol (IP) forms the basis of media-independent transmission and routing (a.k.a forwarding) of network packets, it is part of the Internet Protocol Suite.

In the OSI model, it resides at Layer 3 (the network layer). The protocol data unit for this layer is called a packet. IP packets are identified by source and destination IP addresses.

IP addresses, in combination with subnet masks, provide the basis for the concept of networks (or internetworks, more exactly) in the OSI model.

This means that a node, using IP addressing, can talk to machines it is directly connected to (on the same subnet), or that is on another network (on a different subnet).

While subnet masks are not specified in IP packets, they are used by devices that transmit and receive IP packets to determine if the packet is meant for another node that network, or another network. If the traffic is not meant for this network, it must be forwarded to that network via a router, and vice versa.

This is all in contrast to the common Layer 2 protocol Ethernet, in which nodes can only talk to other nodes reachable on the same network.

IP provides no guarantees on packet delivery. Responsibility for ensuring this reliability through retransmission and data integrity checking is assumed by a higher layer protocol, usually TCP.

2758 questions
4 answers

How do web servers know whether you're using direct IP address access?

Some web servers, when accessed using their IP address, return an error that direct IP address access is not allowed. I've been wondering for some time how this works. I mean, doesn't the browser always resolve the IP address and connect to it?…
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7 answers

Is it possible for many domain names to share one IP address?

Is it possible for many domain names to share one IP address? For example,,,, etc. Hundreds of domain names share just one IP – when you do a DNS query for each of them, the same IP is returned. Are there any laws…
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13 answers

Windows command to display all IP addresses

I know there is a single line of a command and its arguments that can help display all computer IP addresses (those that are being used) on a LAN, and my computer is also a client, as one of those displayed, but I forgot. What is it?
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9 answers

Why are subnet-masks relevant for the individual computer on the network?

I understand how subnet-masks are used to divide a network into sub-networks, but, why does every computer in the network need to know the subnet-mask and not just the router? I could understand it, if each computer were physically connected to…
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11 answers

How to find the IP Address of a VM running on VMware (or other methods of using VM)

I am running VMware Workstation on a Linux box. When I power on a centOS (Linux) virtual machine I cannot get mouse or keyboard control of the machine. I suspect that it has something to do with the error message: You do not have VMware Tools…
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10 answers

Why do we need subnet mask?

Since a IPv4 address already gives the information of the network and and host, why do we still need a subnet mask? The 1st Octet already specify the network class (1-127: A, 128-191: B, 192-223: C etc.). A, B, or C implies the number of octets for…
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9 answers

Find an unknown static IP + subnet mask of device?

I have a device set with a static IP and subnet mask. I do not know the IP or subnet mask. How can I find the devices IP and subnet mask? It is a piece of hardware, not a PC. It will not take an IP from DHCP. I have also tried directly plugging in a…
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9 answers

How can I get my public IP address from the command line, if I am behind a router?

Is there a way for me to get my public (WAN) IP address on the command line? I am behind a router (LAN network), with a dynamic IP address assigned by my ISP. I have seen solutions using an external webservice (such as, but I want to…
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4 answers

Possible to "ping" url:port? (OS X-GeekTool)

I'm trying to use GeekTool (Mac pref pane... basically just embeds output of a shell command/script on the desktop...!244026/geek-to-live--monitor-your-mac-and-more-with-geektool) to monitor a a remote machines/server, and…
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3 answers

How does my router resolve a URL like to its IP address?

Typically I connect to my router by its IP address of However, I am also able to connect to it at the URL My computer does not have a connection to the Internet. How does this work?
Ryan R
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3 answers

How to route only specific subnet (source ip) to a particular interface?

How to route only specific subnet (source ip) to a particular interface? OS: Linux I know I can do easily by destination IP by using something like route add dev eth4 but I do not see how can route based on source IP.
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2 answers

How does bridged networking work in Virtualbox?

How does bridged networking work? I have looked through the VirtualBox manuals but nothing extremely technical came up (It was just a generic gloss over of the topic). How does it assign a different IP to the virtual machine but uses the same…
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5 answers

What keeps you from changing your public IP address and wreaking havok?

An interesting question was asked of me and I did not know what to answer. So I'll ask here. Let's say I subscribed to an ISP and I'm using cable internet access. The ISP gives me a public IP address of What keeps me from changing this…
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2 answers

What does a forward slash followed by a number mean in IP?

If an IP Address is indicated like this: , what does the /24 mean?
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5 answers

How to find my DNS Server address in Windows 7

What is the easiest way to know my current DNS server's IP address or domain name? I am trying to troubleshoot my broadband Internet connection under Windows 7.
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