Questions tagged [microsoft-excel-365]

Use this tag for questions specifically about the 365 version of Microsoft Excel; otherwise use [microsoft-excel].

Excel is Microsoft's spreadsheet application; Excel 365 is part of Microsoft Office 365.

For more info, see .

214 questions
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Enlarging the conditional formatting window in Excel

I use a lot of conditional formatting, often with relatively complex formulae to decide the format. Administering them, though, becomes a nuisance - the conditional formatting dialogue is too small and I have yet to find a way to resize it or the…
Andrew Perry
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4 answers

Start Excel histogram X-Axis at 0

I'm charting the frequency of a range of numbers in a histogram in Excel 365. The numbers range from 236 to 1736 and I've got the bins at 250. Excel is automatically starting the histogram bins at the 236-486 range. I don't see an option anywhere to…
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Excel Needs Key For Microsoft 365 Family Subscription

I have had a Microsoft 365 Family subscription for many years. It will renew on Dec-04-2024. So its active. I just purchased a new laptop and successfully logged into the MS 365 subscription on that laptop. I downloaded the installer for a local…
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Why this apparent orthogonality in Excel's INDEX() syntax?

TL;DR In Excel 365: Why doesn't a 0 in the second argument of INDEX(A1#,0,{1,3}) return all rows, when it does in each of INDEX(A1#,0,1) and INDEX(A1#,0,3)? And is there a canonical way of getting it to do so? DETAILS Assume I have a dynamic array…
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Count TRUE values in pivot table (without power query)

I have some data in Excel 365 for Mac that is formatted like so: USER GROUP IN_SCOPE 1 GroupA TRUE 2 GroupA TRUE 3 GroupA FALSE 4 GroupB TRUE 5 GroupB FALSE I would like to create a pivot table that…
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Excel 365. Splitting Cell into multiple rows whilst copying neighboring rows

Not sure if there is a way to do this but here goes. I have a table with Columns named Vuln, Vuln type, Devices, Comments. Each Devices cell has multiple values in it separated by a comma. I would like to split these out in tho the rows below, but…
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How can I use Excel to calculate the number of recent, consecutive fiscal years someone has made a gift to my company?

I am working at a nonprofit and we are trying to get a project off the ground where we send people postcards celebrating how many years they have been giving to us. I am working with Excel in Office 365 on my Windows desktop. My knowledge level of…
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2 answers

MS Excel 365 Not Sorting

I have recently started experiencing a weird bug with excel, for some reason it has stopped sorting columns. It does not matter the way I try to sort, it just does not do it, however, filtering does work. I have been googling for over an hour but…
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Add a trendline to a stacked bar chart

In Excel I have a stacked bar chart like this: for which I want to add a trendline for the total (ie the full vertical bar). The instructions I have found are for old Excel versions. One problem (apart from the different menu options) is that, if I…
2 answers

How to reference other Excel workbooks without Excel constantly having me re-select the file?

I have a bunch of (~100) Excel files, plus one "master" Excel file that is supposed to gather data from all of the other Excel files. Based upon various websites, I have already found out how to reference cells and cell ranges from other workbooks…
O. R. Mapper
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1 answer

XLOOKUP with a second condition

I have a table like the following: In column "F", I would like to have the text from Column "C", however, only if "Condition" from column "B" is "CondB". If I use the formula written in "F2" - "=XLOOKUP(E2; A:A; C:C)", it always just takes the…
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Excel MEDIAN across ARRAY with multiple conditionals using IF and AND functions

I want to determine a MEDIAN of values in one column based on meeting conditions in two other columns. I'm using MS Excel. I know I have to process the MEDIAN function as an ARRAY (ctrl + shft + enter) using an IF function, and this works fine if I…
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How to import CSV using single quotes in Excel for Microsoft 365

My company recently upgraded from Excel 2016 to Microsoft 365. Before the change, when importing from Text/CSV the wizard would have an option for the delimiter and the quote character. Now, there is an option for specifying the delemiter, but…
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Two different computers downloading same spreadsheet - data displays differently

I work for a company in the United States. One of my clients is in Montreal. Whenever the client tries to download a spreadsheet from our network, she ends up with a bunch of data bunched into Column A, instead of spread out properly over multiple…
3 answers

Excel keyboard shortcut to edit formula in formula bar

When I press F2 in a cell I can edit it inside the cell. However often it's just more convenient to make the edit in the formula bar. I can switch to formula bar by mouse, just wondering whether there is a keyboard shortcut for that? when editing in…
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