Questions tagged [permissions]

Access and restrictions of files, documents, accounts, computers, etc.

Permissions is an extremely vital principle in . The usage of permissions spans from as low-level as a single machine instruction to an entire network.

4237 questions
10 answers

How to recursively chmod all directories except files?

How to chmod 755 all directories but not files (recursively)? Inversely, how to chmod only files (recursively) but no directories?
Olivier Lalonde
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8 answers

Permissions on private key in .ssh folder?

I changed my permissions in my .ssh folder and now when I use a piece of software that uses my private key, I have to type my password each time. What should my permissions be on my id_rsa file to not have to type a password each time I use an app…
Jody G
16 answers

Reload a Linux user's group assignments without logging out

When assigning a user's secondary group list using: # usermod -G is it possible to force this group assignment to take effect without logging out all running sessions? This would be very useful in the situation where a Screen…
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18 answers

Windows SSH: Permissions for 'private-key' are too open

I've OpenSSH 7.6 installed in Windows 7 for testing purposes. SSH client & server work just fine till I tried to access one of my AWS EC2 box from this windows. It seems like I need to change the permission on the private key file. This can be…
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7 answers

How can I make chown work recursively?

I've got a directory called pdfs that contains a bunch of sub- and sub-sub-directories. I want to change ownership on all PDF files in all of the subfolders. I just tried this: chown -R someuser:somegroup *.pdf ...but it didn't change ownership of…
Nathan Long
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8 answers

How can I give write-access of a folder to all users in linux?

I installed apache2 on Ubuntu just now, and noticed that the /var/www folder is protected. I can just sudo everything but I would rather just give it write access. How can I do this? I tried sudo chmod 7777 /var/www but it didn't work.
Carson Myers
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6 answers

What should I do about

I've downloaded some .jar files from the internet and want to use them under Mac OS X. But the OS seems to have tagged them with the extended attribute (no indication of this until I noticed the "@" in the ls -l and figured out…
Jason S
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4 answers

How do file permissions apply to symlinks?

Let's say you have this structure: + directory -- file1 -- file2 -- file3 -> /tmp/file3 file3 is a link to another file3 somewhere else on the system. Now let's say I chmod 777 the directory and all contents inside it. Does my file3 in /tmp receive…
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9 answers

How do I add a user to multiple groups in Ubuntu?

What's the command line utility and the arguments it requires?
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4 answers

What is the "wheel" user in OS X?

I recently reinstalled iTunes and I noticed something peculiar. The "original" version of iTunes has a user in the permissions known as "wheel" that is set to "Read Only". I dragged this version of iTunes to the trash and installed a new copy, and…
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5 answers

What does the dot mean at the end of `-rw-r--r--`? How do you set it with `chmod`?

Some of the files in my directories under Linux have a . at the end of the permissions listing. What does the dot mean at the end of -rw-r--r--? How do you set it with chmod?
Darrell Duane
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14 answers

How can I always run the command prompt as administrator?

As a developer, I often have the need to open a command prompt for various purposes. For example, I use iisreset to restart my local web server. I typically open the command window in one of two ways: Press Win, type "cmd" and press Enter While in…
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6 answers

recursively change owner windows 7

Somehow I accidentally set all the files in a subfolder to "No Owner' and I can't seem to change all the permissions. I can change one by hand by changing the owner then setting permissions but how can I change owner of all the files in this…
8 answers

What does the @ mean on the output of "ls" on OS X' terminal?

When doing an ls in a directory I get the following output: drwxr-xr-x@ 12 xonic staff 408 22 Jun 19:00 . drwxr-xr-x 9 xonic staff 306 22 Jun 19:42 .. -rwxrwxrwx@ 1 xonic staff 6148 25 Mai 23:04 .DS_Store -rw-r--r--@ 1 xonic staff …
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4 answers

How to make new file permission inherit from the parent directory?

I have a directory called data. Then I am running a script under the user id 'robot'. robot writes to the data directory and update files inside. The idea is data is open for both me and robot to update. So I setup the permission and owner group…
Wai Yip Tung
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