Questions tagged [putty]

PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP computing protocols and as a serial console client. The name "PuTTY" has no definitive meaning, though 'tty' is the name for a terminal in the Unix tradition, usually held to be short for teletype.


PuTTY is a free and open source terminal emulator application which can act as a client for the SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw TCP computing protocols and as a serial console client. The name "PuTTY" has no definitive meaning, though 'tty' is the name for a terminal in the Unix tradition, usually held to be short for teletype.

PuTTY was originally written for Microsoft Windows, but it has been ported to various other operating systems. Official ports are available for some Unix-like platforms, with work-in-progress ports to Classic Mac OS and Mac OS X, and unofficial ports have been contributed to platforms such as Symbian and Windows Mobile.

PuTTY was written and is maintained primarily by Simon Tatham and is currently beta software.

Some features of PuTTY are:

  • The storing of hosts and preferences for later use.
  • Control over the SSH encryption key and protocol version.
  • Command-line SCP and SFTP clients, called "pscp" and "psftp" respectively.
  • Control over port forwarding with SSH (local, remote or dynamic port forwarding), including built-in handling of X11 forwarding.
  • Emulates most xterm, VT102 control sequences, as well as much of ECMA-48 terminal emulation.
  • IPv6 support.
  • Supports 3DES, AES, Arcfour, Blowfish, DES.
  • Public-key authentication support.
  • Support for local serial port connections.
  • Self-contained executable requires no installation.
  • Supports the delayed compression scheme (As of r9120 2011-03-05).

PuTTY's main screen.

Source: Wikipedia - PuTTY

1838 questions
18 answers

Is there a way to "auto login" in PuTTY with a password?

Is there a way to configure a password for a stored session in PuTTY? I know there is the capability to specify an "auto-login username" (under Connection/Data), but is there a way to do the same with the password?
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4 answers

How to convert .ppk key to OpenSSH key under Linux?

I know that is possible to convert .ppk under puttygen in Windows, but how to do that on Linux? Is this possible ?
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3 answers

How do I paste the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session, using only the keyboard?

I would like to paste text the Windows clipboard into my PuTTY session using only the keyboard. I am running PuTTY 0.60 on Windows XP. Usage example: I just selected a bunch of nice text inside of my Emacs on Windows. I then shift my focus to a…
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8 answers

How to configure PuTTY so that Home/End/PgUp/PgDn work properly in bash?

The keys Home, End, PageUp, PageDown all type a ~ in my bash session instead of moving the cursor / view around. Why does this happen and which settings do I need to change? GNU bash, version 4.0.28(1)-release (x86_64--netbsd) PuTTY v0.60 The…
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3 answers

Where does Putty store known_hosts information on Windows?

How do I tell if Putty already knows about and has cached credentials for specific ssh servers? Another way to ask this question is what is the Windows/Putty equivalent of a unix/ssh known_hosts file?
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3 answers

How to upload local file to server through Linux terminal

I am trying to upload local files to server by using Putty or SSH but not getting upload there. Is there any direct method to upload file from local to server from Linux terminal without using FTP etc ?
Sanjeev Kumar Goswami
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12 answers

PuTTY Network Error: Software caused connection abort

I have a strange problem: When I'm using PuTTY with SSH connecting to a Linux server hosted in VMware on my local Windows 7, I often get the error saying "Network error: Software caused connection abort" and then the PuTTY SSH window is inactive.…
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6 answers

Vim Stuck In Insert Mode

I've been using Vim for several months now via my web host (they allow putty access). All of a sudden, the escape key has become unresponsive. I cannot exist insert or any other mode by simply hitting escape. I have to hit F1 which brings up the…
Levi Hackwith
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7 answers

How do I change the colour scheme on PuTTY?

I'm using PuTTY to SSH from my PC at home to Linux computers at work, but some of the text (folder names) is dark blue on black, which is almost impossible to read. How do I change the colour-scheme? My computer at home has Windows 7 in case it…
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3 answers

How to exit from fullscreen mode of Putty?

This annoyed me for a while, but as usual; really annoying problems have quite simple solutions. Some sw I just don't use often enough to remember its hotkeys, like PuTTY. So I end up using the toolbar-menu or the right-click menu to achieve what I…
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10 answers

PuTTY how to select text and copy text using keyboard ONLY

Is there any way of selecting a text with keyboard the way I do it normally using Shift+arrows.
4 answers

A PuTTY shortcut that automatically launches a profile?

How can I create a PuTTY shortcut that automatically launches a profile, so I can dial into a specific computer with one click?
C. Ross
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Is there a way to copy text in htop?

Normally in putty you can just select text to copy it, but I can't seem to select text with my mouse in htop. Of course there's no right click menu to copy, ctrl+c doesn't work, and I didn't see any copy command in the help menu. Is it possible to…
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7 answers

"PuTTY key format too new" when using ppk file for PuTTY SSH key authentication

I wanted to connect to my Unix server using SSH keys. For that I had converted my id_rsa file from ./ssh directory to a ppk file using PuTTYgen, but after loading my .ppk key I get this warning: PuTTY key format too new If I use my default id_rsa…
Siddharth Khokhar
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4 answers

Increase Scrollback Buffer in Putty

I'm running Putty on Windows and can't find an option to increase the size of the scrollback buffer . It seems set at about 4 pages of text. Am I missing something?
Eric J.
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