Questions tagged [script]

An automated series of instructions carried out in a specific order, such as a Windows script created to launch a specific program on startup.

2713 questions
41 answers

How to execute a command whenever a file changes?

I want a quick and simple way to execute a command whenever a file changes. I want something very simple, something I will leave running on a terminal and close it whenever I'm finished working with that file. Currently, I'm using this: while read;…
Denilson Sá Maia
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7 answers

What is the difference between executing a Bash script vs sourcing it?

What is the difference between executing a Bash script like A and sourcing a Bash script like B? A > ./myscript B > source myscript
Scottie T
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5 answers

Linux Bash Script, Single Command But Multiple Lines?

I have the following script I wrote by searching Google, and it backs up my Linux system to an archive: #!/bin/bash # init DATE=$(date +20%y%m%d) tar -cvpzf /share/Recovery/Snapshots/$HOSTNAME_$DATE.tar.gz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found…
Jay LaCroix
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8 answers

How to execute a command in screen and detach?

How can I get screen to execute a command and then detach (That is, automatically in a single script without further input beyond initially starting the script)? e.g. I run and it automatically starts a screen session, executes a…
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22 answers

Add directory to $PATH if it's not already there

Has anybody written a bash function to add a directory to $PATH only if it's not already there? I typically add to PATH using something like: export PATH=/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH If I construct my PATH in .bash_profile, then it's not read unless…
Doug Harris
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16 answers

Delete all files from a folder and its sub folders

I want to remove all files from a folder structure, so I'm left with an empty folder structure. Can this be achieved in either batch or VBScript scripting? I have tried a very basic batch command, but this required the user to allow the deletion of…
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10 answers

How can I run an application with command line arguments in Mac OS

Is there any easy way to append command line arguments to an application on a Mac? For example, to run Opera in kiosk mode or to use a different profile in Firefox, I can type $ /Applications/ -kioskmode $…
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11 answers

When to use Bash and when to use Perl/Python/Ruby?

We are doing all our scripting with Bash so far, but I'm starting to feel a bit silly about it. While we can of course do everything we want with Bash (it's quite powerful), I'm starting to wonder if we shouldn't use a proper scripting language (in…
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11 answers

How can I get a script to run every day on Mac OS X?

Cron? Launchd? iCal?? If so, how?
Paul D. Waite
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10 answers

Determine if command is recognized in a batch file

I'm writing a bat script in which I invoke a program (such as javac). For simplicity, I want to check if the command exists before I run it. i.e. If the command exists in PATH. For example, if (my_command.exe is a recognized command) then ( …
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5 answers

Looping Through Subdirectories and Running a Command in Each

I have a set of repositories sorted into directories based on their VCS (Git, Mercurial, SVN). With Subversion I was able to run svn update * in the parent directory and it would loop through each directory and update each repository as expected.…
Bryan Veloso
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2 answers

Does %* in batch file mean all command line arguments?

Does %* in batch file mean all command line arguments?
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6 answers

How do I perform commands in another folder, without repeating the folder path?

Is there a clever way to do copy and move operations or a command to duplicate a file, without having to do a cd, then mv after, at the same folder? For example, I have to run the following: mv /folder1/folder2/folder3/file.txt…
Valter Silva
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5 answers

Remotely run script on Unix, get output locally?

I need to run a (Tcl, or whatever) script on a remote Unix machine, from a (local) Windows command shell, and I want the stdout/stderr of the script to show up in the Windows CLI. The exit code would also be useful. Is this possible using ssh…
Cristian Diaconescu
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4 answers

How to launch a command on network connection/disconnection?

I have a wifi connection that requires to authenticate using a web form once the wireless link is established. I know how to automate the authentication with a script that uses curl/curlIE. But how can I ask Windows to call my script every time I…
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