Questions tagged [backup]

Questions about what and how to backup your Raspberry Pi

Backup refers to additional copies of important data and configuration files, on a separate disk or on a cloud service.

Common questions

184 questions
18 answers

How do I backup my Raspberry Pi?

I have been writing programs for my Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian) for a few weeks now and would like to make sure I protect the work I have done. How can I backup the files I have created? Can I simply plug the SD card into my Windows (XP or 7)…
Steve Robillard
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9 answers

Can a Raspberry Pi be used to create a backup of itself?

This question answers the question of how I use an external computer to create a backup of my RPi. I'm wondering whether I can create a backup image of the SD card that is currently in use, and copying it to a file on a USB storage device. Is this…
Eric Wilson
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5 answers

How to make an image (.img) from what's on the SD card (but as compact as the original one)?

I tried: sudo dd bs=4k if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/media/1BAB47551C66A42B/raspbian_migs2.gz It creates an .img file with 7.6 GB (card size, BUT what's on the card has 700 MB). And: sudo dd bs=4k if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip >…
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4 answers

Easiest way to return to a known good state when overclocking

If I try to overclock my Pi, I want to go up to the point where the Pi won't boot anymore, or won't be stable enough. At this point, I want to come back to the latest known good settings for the /boot/config.txt file. How can I do this easily? Do…
Xavier Nodet
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3 answers

How to clone Raspberry Pi SD Card on Windows, Linux, and macOS?

I want to make a back up of my raspberry pi because I have done a lot of work and repeating the process would take a lot of time. How does one go about making an image of a Raspberry Pi SD card for the following operating…
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4 answers

Backup Raspberry Pi automatically, with incremental backups

There are some different questions and answers on this subject. However, when searching I have been unable to find an answer that could be considered "canonical" or that gathers the various options in one place. I would like to backup the contents…
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3 answers

How to shrink an image file after allocating full space

I'm in the process of experimenting with backing up a Raspberry Pi (Raspbian) sd card. I'm using Win32DiskImager to read the image (from SD card reader) onto my HDD, successfully - but now the size issue. The image is just bigger than the original…
Renier Delport
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9 answers

Can I backup my SD card with Disk Utility on OSX?

I see a lot of backup instructions like this: How do I backup my Raspberry Pi? ...involving the command line in OSX. But can't I just use the OSX "Disk Utility" to create a "New Image" from the partition on my SD card? Is that not a recoverable…
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3 answers

Would you recommend a Raspberry Pi as a remote file backup device?

I'd like to have a computer at home that I rsync my files to from anywhere, preferably at any time I choose. The daily volume of data will rarely exceed 100M. It needs to be cheap and easy to replace, not fast (it's for backup/archiving purposes…
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2 answers

Is this the correct usage of rsync to create a Raspberry Pi backup?

Pardon my ignorance, I am a new user of this site, Linux, and the Raspberry Pi. The following is a link to a question, from which I used user goldilocks' well documented answer of using rsync, to create my own rsync command to make a backup to a…
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5 answers

Restore PI from Pi itself

Just started playing around with a raspberry pi model b+ I've had sitting around for ages and I had a question? Is it possible to restore a Raspberry Pi from itself? E.g: Can I put an image on the microSD card, and then reboot the Pi to install the…
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4 answers

Self healing SD Card partitions

Many sd cards are rather fragile. I've had a pi for about 2 years now and the main failures were due to the sd card getting corrupted for a reason or another. I'm wondering if there is some development done to "strengthen" the sd card on boot. I…
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1 answer

"No such file or directory" while backing up the SD card using dd on Mac

The diskutil said that my SD card is located on /dev/disk4, so I typed sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk4 of=~/Desktop/backup.img bs=1m to backup my SD card. But there is a message dd: ~/Desktop/backup.img: No such file or directory What's the problem?
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4 answers

Create a Raspberry pi backup without dd

I would like to backup the entire content of my Raspberry Pi SD Card on linux PC. I have found online many tutorials that suggest to use dd to perform the operation. However my SD Cards have a wide free space that doesn't require to be saved on…
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3 answers

Clone Raspberry Pi SDCard to file on Mac OS X?

Is there a simple way using Mac OS X (shell preferred) to clone an entire SDCard from the SDCard slot (byte-for-byte)), to a file? I would then want to reverse the process and restore the image from the file to the SDCard. I was considering using…
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