Questions tagged [ide]

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment, and consists of a number of tools to make code-writing easier, such as a text editor with auto-completing and syntax-highlighting, and integration of the respective tool-chain (e.g. compiler, debugger).

25 questions
6 answers

Recommended GUI toolkit for Python development on the Raspberry Pi

I am teaching my daughter Python (and myself to some degree) using the Pi, and we have had a great time so far - but the CLI can only take us so far. I have started looking at other toolkits, specifically wx, Qt and GTK. These all seem to have great…
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5 answers

Which Python IDEs/interactive shells are best suited to the Pi?

I know this is perhaps slightly dodgy teritory, but I'm going to go ahead. I'm wondering which of the many python IDEs/interactive shells are best suited to the RPi? By this I mean low RAM, and fairly low memory on the SD. If anyone has any other…
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8 answers

Is there an IDE I could use to edit code from a personal computer over the network in real time?

I know it's possible to use FTP and various version control systems to upload or commit code developed on a full computer to the Raspberry Pi. Another possibility would be to simply use SSH and Vim (or Emacs). Is there an IDE that supports…
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3 answers

Can I program C within a nice IDE on desktop computer for the RPi

I'm from a Microsoft Windows development background, I'm happy with the IntelliSense and code navigation features, is it possible for me to install an IDE, such as Eclipse, [I'm assuming it's probably best for me to make the jump and dual-boot…
Dog Ears
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4 answers

Java IDE for Raspberry Pi

Anyone know a good Java IDE for the Pi? I tried downloading Eclipse but it didn't work (probably because it's too heavyweight). I need an IDE with low RAM usage and low memory usage, just so it will actually work :) Help appreciated.
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4 answers

Are there any Python IDEs for Raspberry Pi 3 with step-through capability?

I've used PyCharm by Jetbrains on Windows/full blown Linux and I like the ability to step through code. However, due to the processor of the Raspberry Pi 3, it doesn't run very quickly. Can anyone recommend a Python IDE for Raspberry Pi 3 so I…
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6 answers

List of IDE's for the Raspberry Pi

Is anybody currently maintaining a definitive list of IDE's that work with the Raspberry Pi? If not, can anyone supply a list of general-purpose IDE's (such as Aptana Studio 3), and language specific IDE's (think of IDLE) for the Pi? Thanks!
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2 answers

Java Eclipse configuration for raspberry-pi

I have installed java and eclipse in my raspberry-pi.Installed eclipse using sudo apt-get install eclipse Eclipse is installed and i am able to open the IDE through VNC.But there is no run configurations set in eclipse.It is asking for new run…
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0 answers

Raspbian-compatible JavaScript IDE

Does anyone know of any JavaScript IDEs (or IDEs that support JS) that can be compiled or installed on Raspberry Pi? I've found a few good IDEs that are compilable/installable on the pi, but most of them are python. Also I am able to use javascript…
Benjamin Ashbaugh
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2 answers

How do I install libxml on Raspbian?

In the process of trying to install the Cloud9 IDE. I have major issues installing libxml. Is anyone else having similar problems?
Chris Matheson
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4 answers

What visual programming language IDEs are available for the Pi?

What visual programming language IDEs are available for programming Python on the Raspberry Pi? Especially for newbie.
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1 answer

Netbeans IDE remote development on Raspberry Pi

I tried to set up remote development with Netbeans IDE 7.3 Beta 2 so that I could build on my Raspberry Pi from my Win 7 laptop. I followed the pretty straightforward instructions here, but unlike what is shown, Netbeans would not automatically…
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1 answer

How to setup eclipse CDT to cross compile the kernel for the Raspberry Pi

How do I setup eclipse CDT to cross compile the kernel for the Raspberry Pi? Is it as simple as File -> New -> Makefile Project with Existing Code? What else has to be considered?
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3 answers

Scheme Programming Language Support with Manjaro Arm?

I am trying out Manjaro Arm on my Raspberry Pi 3, but surprisingly find only Guile as the only viable Scheme interpreter/REPL. I have tried the following: Racket, and Mit-Scheme not found by pacman in the repositories. Chicken Scheme seems to…
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1 answer

Spyder IDE : How do i remote into a kernel. e.g. from my pc to a Raspberry Pi

How do I remotely connect to a python kernel using spyder IDE. I've search online for instructions but i find any that help.
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