Questions tagged [software-development]

Software development refers to the process of developing software on the Raspberry Pi. It can also refer to development software on another system for the Raspberry Pi.

Software development refers to the process of developing software on the Raspberry Pi.

If asking a question about a specific tool or language, please tag the question appropriately.

124 questions
5 answers

Can I use the GPU for calculations?

Is it possible to use the GPU for calculations? (e.g. CUDA/OpenCL)
Alex L
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8 answers

How do I build a GCC 4.7 toolchain for cross-compiling?

I already asked this question on Stack Overflow, but I would like to know if anyone managed to build a GCC 4.7 toolchain for ARM cross-compilation (for a x86/x86-64 Linux host). There are many instructions for building GCC from source and many…
4 answers

Is it possible to run .NET code on the Pi using mono?

Is it possible (and feasible) to run .NET applications on the Raspberry Pi with Mono? If so, how well do they run? Is a basic GUI usable, or does poor performance realistically restrict it to command line applications?
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2 answers

Is it legal to use Raspberry Pi to develop a product and sell it?

I have a project in mind that uses Raspberry Pi to develop a software. The final product will be modification of the Raspberry Pi circuit (get rid of any components that the project doesn't use) and add in some other circuits of mine. For the…
6 answers

Recommended GUI toolkit for Python development on the Raspberry Pi

I am teaching my daughter Python (and myself to some degree) using the Pi, and we have had a great time so far - but the CLI can only take us so far. I have started looking at other toolkits, specifically wx, Qt and GTK. These all seem to have great…
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2 answers

How to program a USB device with Debian/Python

The Pi is being promoted as an educational device primarily for Python. Inline with this, there have already been some great examples online of people accessing the GPIO from Python. However, most off-the-shelf (rather than home brew) peripherals…
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1 answer

How can I detect that I'm compiling for Raspberry Pi?

As Raspberry Pi needs a bit of special code (I'm talking about C/C++) for accessing some hardware features (e.g. a call to bcm_host_init()). I'm looking for a reliable and elegant way to detect this automatically. I don't think there are any…
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6 answers

Is there a JDK with a JIT compiler available?

OpenJDK compiles and runs on the Pi successfully, but the only version I've found is one without a JIT. Oracle provides such a JDK for other versions of ARM, but not ARMv6. Is there any way to get such a version of the JDK up and running in the…
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4 answers

Which CPU flags are suitable for gcc on Raspberry Pi?

gcc takes the -mcpu= (or -march=) flags to produce optimized code for a particular CPU type. There's a plethora of arm variants, and the gcc Arm target also provides numerous FPU types. Which -mcpu=/-march= flags and -mfpu= flags are the…
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2 answers

Can I install the Ruby Version Manager?

Can I install the Ruby Version Manager (RVM) on my Raspberry Pi?
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6 answers

Has anyone got a Text to Speech engine installed?

Just wondering whether anyone has got a Text to Speech engine installed on the Pi?It would make a great addition to almost any programming project to make it talk to the user!
3 answers

Has anybody tried to Debug using JTAG/BDM?

Is there a useable JTAG/BDM interface available on the Raspberry Pi? What hardware Debugger is needed for Debugging ? Can Open OCD be used?
Lars Pötter
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4 answers

How to know the input voltage on Raspbian?

I have a unattended raspberry with a power supply for many device. Raspberry has lately restarts and I think that may be caused by a under voltage. Is it possible to check the input voltage for software? I've seen some projects but used hardware and…
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4 answers

Configuring the Raspberry Pi for Node.js

Reading a book on Single Page Web Applications I came to a paragraph that got me thinking: Node.js is non-blocking and event-driven. In a nutshell, this means a single Node.js instance on modest hardware can handle tens or hundreds of thousands of…
Marius Butuc
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6 answers

Access network Samba share from Pi client

I've been using my PC to access the files on RPi, using Samba Server on RPi. But, Is there any way I could open Samba Connections on Pi? Like browsing Windows PC Samba Files on RPi?
Snazzy Sanoj
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