Questions tagged [bandwidth]

Bandwidth tag should be used when asking questions about data transfer rates over various data buses or network protocols.

Bandwidth in computing is a measure of how much data can be transferred over a medium in a given amount of time, mostly shown as MBit/s or GBit/s. It is the primary way of classifying the speed of computer networks or data buses.

791 questions
3 answers

Transatlantic ping faster than sending a pixel to the screen?

John Carmack tweeted, I can send an IP packet to Europe faster than I can send a pixel to the screen. How f’d up is that? And if this weren’t John Carmack, I’d file it under “the interwebs being silly”. But this is John Carmack. How can this be…
Konrad Rudolph
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5 answers

Way to limit bandwidth of programs on Windows?

Is there a technique in Windows that can selectively limit bandwidth of a running process?
James McMahon
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8 answers

Is there a good tool for monitoring network activity on Mac OS X?

Is there a good bit of software on Mac OS X that I can use to monitor incoming and outgoing network activity? Nothing too geeky, I just want something simple to use. I'm on version 10.6 (Snow Leopard) if that helps.
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3 answers

Does moving my router from 20MHz to 40 MHz increase my wireless speed?

I found out that my wireless access point supports dual band (LinkSys E3000), so I went to its settings and changed it from operating on 20MHz to 40MHz. Does this mean I get a faster WiFi connection now? Or have I misunderstood how this works?
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7 answers

How to throttle bandwidth on a Linux network interface?

Is there a way to constrain the bandwidth on a NIC in linux? I'd like to be able to simulate an arbitrarily slow connection.
Mark Borgerding
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3 answers

Is there a way to find out what application using most of bandwidth in Linux?

I'm looking for an utility that could show me how much of a bandwidth each process are using. It should just print the data and exit as I want to feed that list into conky.
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4 answers

What is the actual speed of SATA 3?

Google says it is running at 6Gb/s. The throughput is at 600MB/s. 600MB/s equals 4.8Gb/s. Does this mean that the bandwidth is 6Gb/s but the actual throughput is 4.8Gb/s ?
Space Ghost
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4 answers

Microsoft Remote Desktop Bandwidth Usage

I am wondering how much bandwidth in terms of bytes sent/received is consumed by a typical remote desktop session. I need to know this because our ISP enforces a cap on monthly bandwidth usage (i.e. the total amount data in GB that can sent or…
Salman A
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2 answers

Make rsync use less bandwidth?

I use rsync to backup and synchronize network shares and my computer. I have this figured out. The problem is, when using rsync to transfer files, it uses all the bandwidth it can. I want to cap it's speed, so that I can use my connection for other…
Mike Cooper
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3 answers

How to track internet usage (upload & download) on Linux?

I use a broadband modem to connect to internet on my linux machine. I've used the gnome-system-monitor app that correctly displays the kbps as well as total bytes consumed in each session. Now, is there any easy way in linux for me to log all these…
Prahlad Yeri
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1 answer

Measure bandwidth between two computer in a LAN

Is there any way to measure precisely bandwidth between two computers in a LAN?
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4 answers

Using multiple USB webcams in Linux

Running more than one USB webcam in Debian/Linux results in the the following error: libv4l2: error turning on stream: No space left on device VIDIOC_STREAMON: No space left on device What initially seemed to be a programming issue in OpenCV turned…
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11 answers

How can I monitor internet usage in my network?

I need to know which computer is consuming my bandwidth. Is there a tool to do this?
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4 answers

How much bandwith is required to stream 1080p?

I am wondering how much bandwith is required to stream a 1080p movie from for example Youtube. I am aware that there may be things such as compression that come in play here, but can anyone provide a good answer for this anyways?
Chris Dale
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3 answers

How to monitor bandwidth use of each device on wifi network

I have in my home a standard Comcast cable internet connection. I have it going from the wall to a cable modem, and from the modem to a late-series Linksys router, which provides wired and wireless networking. The vast majority of the users are…
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