Questions tagged [headless]

A headless system is one that runs without a monitor (the head).

313 questions
23 answers

Is the Raspberry Pi suitable for running continuously, 24/7?

I would like to run a headless machine to perform some basic automation and statistical generation (e.g. generating netstats, uploading to, as well as any other trivial batch jobs that may spring up. As the RaspPi has been designed…
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11 answers

Prepare SD card for Wifi on Headless Pi

I need to SSH my Pi over wifi but because it is a model A board (using a usb hub is not possible - ever) and I have no ethernet, i can't configure the Pi to connect to my secured wifi network. I want to have the SD card plugged into my laptop and I…
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16 answers

Prepare for ssh without a screen

I have a Raspberry Pi model B at home, but I do not have a screen. My plan is to connect it to the Ethernet and then ssh into it. But this means that the SD card with the operating system (Debian Squeeze) has to be prepared first. I see two…
Till B
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8 answers

How to uninstall X Server and Desktop Manager when running as headless server?

I'm using my Raspberry Pi as a headless server which I can ssh into. I don't need the X Server, LXDE etc. I'm running Raspbian "wheezy". I've already disabled "Start desktop on boot" using raspi-config as described here. But I keep getting lots of…
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10 answers

Enabling SSH on RPi without screen - keystrokes for raspi-config?

I don't have a screen for my Raspberry Pi. I want to SSH into it, but I get Connection Refused, so I presume SSH is not enabled. As advised in other questions I have looked at enabling the boot_enable_ssh.rc script on the sd card. However I don't…
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8 answers

I failed to remote connect to Raspberry Pi 3 from Ubuntu

I just bought raspberry pi 3 with Rapbian Jessi with Pixel and I have a Lenovo laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on it. I want to remote connect to it from my laptop. I enabled the VNC server on Raspberry Pi and I tried to connect to it from either…
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3 answers

Running Headless - checking boot screen messages

It's fairly easy now to run headless from scratch with a Raspberry Pi. One area that might have an issue though is debugging issues with devices that have been added to the Raspberry Pi. Often you get indication of these problems in the messages…
Jon Egerton
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8 answers

How to shut down RPi when running headless

If I am running a Pi headless, is there a command I can use to safely shut down, or should I simply remove the power cord?
Eric Wilson
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3 answers

How to get Wi-Fi to connect on boot?

Raspberry Pi Model B OS: Raspbian I am running my Pi headless (currently through a direct Ethernet connection). I have a USB WiFi dongle. I would like to have the WiFi start up at boot and connect by…
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10 answers

How do I discover the IP address of my headless RPi?

I've configured my RPi to be headless, and plugged it into my router. How do I discover the local IP address so I can ssh into it? Update: Lots of documents point out that you can log into the router and look at the DHCP table. What if you don't…
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6 answers

Use /boot/cmdline.txt for creating first-boot script

Many questions have been asked about how to find my Pi on my network. Others - including myself - have time consuming issues while trying to deploy a batch of fresh Pi's. While the creation of custom images could be a solution for these issues, I'm…
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4 answers

Pi Headless: How to confirm that the Pi is shut down

I am running my Pi headless connected to my wireless router using a ethernet cable. I wanted to shut down the pi remotely even when I am not connected to it using SSH/Putty to shut it down exclusively. I put a question here: Shutting down my Pi…
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4 answers

How to change host name before first boot?

Is it possible to change the host name before the first boot? I've tried changing the name in /etc/hostname, but then the Pi doesn't boot properly. Is there something else that needs to be done? This is intended for a Raspberry Pi running…
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1 answer

Connecting to a Raspberry Pi TightVNC server isn't working with Screenshare on Mac OS X?

I have a tightvnc server set up on my raspberry pi on port 1 but when I try to connect to it from my mac using the built in screen sharing client i get an error: Connection Failed to: Please make sure that Screen Sharing (in the…
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1 answer

Remote full reset (re-install) of a Raspberry

I've had a Raspberry Pi now for some time. I did a lot of fun stuff with it. A lot of the fun stuff is still on there, and that's not always fun. I could reset my Raspberry Pi by walking over to it, powering it down, remove the micro SD card, and…
Nick Dewitte
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