Questions tagged [networking]

Questions about home networks, internet, repository issues or anything else regarding networks.

If you have a specific application or protocol, please use that tag in conjunction with the tag.

2462 questions
7 answers

How do I set up networking/WiFi/static IP address on Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS?

I have followed (any one of hundreds) tutorial, and it does not work. How do I set up networking/WiFi/static IP address on the Raspberry Pi? After the Foundation introduced the dhcpcd networking system to Raspbian in May 2015 there were hundreds…
16 answers

Prepare for ssh without a screen

I have a Raspberry Pi model B at home, but I do not have a screen. My plan is to connect it to the Ethernet and then ssh into it. But this means that the SD card with the operating system (Debian Squeeze) has to be prepared first. I see two…
Till B
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5 answers

How to setup multiple WiFi networks?

I go back and forth from home to school with my Pi. I just got the WiFi working last night at home using wpa.conf instead of wpa_supplicant.conf as the book I was using had the walk thru for that instead. I've noticed lots seem to use…
Chef Flambe
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20 answers

Find Raspberry PI address on local network

I need to find the Raspberry PI IP address on local network without connect the Raspberry to a monitor. How do I do it on Linux or Mac OS systems?
J. Costa
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6 answers

Differences between /etc/dhcpcd.conf and /etc/network/interfaces?

I have this configuration in /etc/network/interfaces: auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf allow-hotplug wlan1 iface wlan1 inet manual wpa-conf…
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7 answers

How do I enable Wake On LAN?

My first thought was to simply start broadcasting WOL magic packets over the network, but my Raspberry Pi is not waking up. So I'm assuming it either doesn't support WOL, or I haven't properly configured it. What do I have to do to enable…
Oliver Salzburg
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8 answers

Solving “RTNETLINK answers: File exists” when running ifup

I had this problem when I got my new Wi-Fi dongle and have seen a few people with the same issue. Basically when I have one interface configured and want to swap to the other one, it throws up this error: RTNETLINK answers: File exists Failed to…
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10 answers

How do I modify my Raspberry Pi to be powered over PoE?

Is it possible to modify the Pi, so that it can receive it's power via Power over Ethernet (PoE)? I would like to be able to power my unit via the ethernet cable, so that I don't have to worry about running power cords around the place.
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18 answers

Easiest way to show my IP address?

After I've booted up, what's the easiest way to obtain and display the IP address that the device is currently using? I'm using Raspbian, and ifconfig doesn't appear to be installed. Are there any widgets that display this information in LXDE?
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3 answers

How can I protect against intrusion and malware before connecting it to the internet (especially on a public IP address)?

With the large number of Raspberry Pis in the wild, and the fact that large groups of them are configured identically (when a newly-flashed SD card is installed with one of the few available images), they are likely to be a tempting target for…
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2 answers

What's the difference between `wpa-roam` and `wpa-conf` in the /etc/network/interfaces file?

I posted a question previously on how to set up a static IP address on the rpi and eventually figured out, along with some others, that the answer was to change wpa-roam to wpa-conf when pointing to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, but why…
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi not reachable via its hostname in LAN

My Raspberry Pi is not discoverable via its hostname in my LAN. I have a couple of other Ubuntu machines in the LAN, and they are all pingable via their hostnames. On my Raspberry Pi: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ hostname raspberrypi On another machine in…
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1 answer

"connect: Network is unreachable" on a working (connected) wlan0 interface

I finally managed to make wlan0 (an Edimax EW-7811Un USB WiFi dongle) connect to my router, but after an apt-get update I discovered that my Raspberry can't connect outside the local network. The Raspberry is running on the latest (as of writing…
Błażej Michalik
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7 answers

Is it possible to set up a Raspberry Pi as a wireless router?

When using the Ethernet and a wireless adapter, is it possible to set up the device as a wireless router? If so, what software (and/or additional hardware) would be needed?
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10 answers

Raspberry Pi sleep mode, how to avoid

I use "wheezy" latest release. The device provides some web service features and supposes to be active 24/7. However if the server wasn't requested for certain amount of time (it is hard to tell exact time), the device seems going to sleep…
Don Cesar D'Bazar
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