Questions tagged [ssh]

SSH (secure shell) is a network protocol to provide encrypted communication using a client-server architecture. Question include the configuration of the sshd server on the Pi.

SSH (secure shell) is a network protocol to provide encrypted communication using a client-server architecture.

1410 questions
16 answers

Prepare for ssh without a screen

I have a Raspberry Pi model B at home, but I do not have a screen. My plan is to connect it to the Ethernet and then ssh into it. But this means that the SD card with the operating system (Debian Squeeze) has to be prepared first. I see two…
Till B
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5 answers

SSH not working with fresh install

I recently liberated an old model B from the loft, put NOOBS on an SD card, and installed the latest version of Raspbian on it. I booted it up, attempted to SSH to it from my Mac, but got: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection…
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10 answers

Enabling SSH on RPi without screen - keystrokes for raspi-config?

I don't have a screen for my Raspberry Pi. I want to SSH into it, but I get Connection Refused, so I presume SSH is not enabled. As advised in other questions I have looked at enabling the boot_enable_ssh.rc script on the sd card. However I don't…
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2 answers

Raspberry Pi not reachable via its hostname in LAN

My Raspberry Pi is not discoverable via its hostname in my LAN. I have a couple of other Ubuntu machines in the LAN, and they are all pingable via their hostnames. On my Raspberry Pi: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ hostname raspberrypi On another machine in…
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6 answers

Starting ssh automatically at boot time

I'm following a number of tutorials that explain how to setup an SD card that boots automatically enabling ssh in the process. I'm doing this as I only have a laptop and no spare keyboard, screen, etc. My problem is I cannot find the…
Noel Evans
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5 answers

How do I change/recover my password?

I have made several personal configuration changes to a Raspbian Wheezy install (more secure ssh, personal configurations, etc). It's been a couple weeks since I last touched it, and I completely forgot the password to login. What should I do?
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7 answers

Cannot connect to raspbian jessie lite but to raspbian jessie

I've installed Raspbian Jessie with dd to my Pi1-B. Everything works fine and I can connect to it via ssh. I do not need any graphical system and want to keep the machine as simple as possible. Therefor I've downloaded and installed Raspbian Jessie…
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4 answers

SSH to RPi without a network connection?

Is it possible to SSH in to an RPi without a network connection? I could imagine that you could do it using a LAN cable from the computer to the RPi or maybe using a USB cable. I do actually have access to a network, however it doesn't allow…
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12 answers

SSH into Raspberry Pi without knowing IP address

I have a Raspberry Pi connected to Ethernet and with a Mac (though USB cable). I'm trying to SSH in the Pi but I don't know the IP address. I have tried : ifconfig but I have I can't see eth0 lo0: flags=8049 mtu…
Alex Garulli
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4 answers

How to login as root remotely?

I am trying to login to the raspberrypi as root user via winscp, but it only says "Access denied", same thing for trying to login directly as root on ssh. I have tried loging in as pi and doing sudo passwd root, which results in the console output…
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13 answers

Is there a way to set up a Raspberry Pi without a keyboard, mouse, or SD card reader?

To keep myself entertained during the COVID-19 pandemic, I've bought a Raspberry Pi. I thought that it would be possible to program it from my laptop over SSH using an Ethernet connection, but I've just discovered that this requires me to know the…
John Smith
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4 answers

Connected to the Internet, but can't ssh or ping

I'm having a problem with my Raspberry Pi where I can't ssh into or even ping it, yet I'm using it on my TV, and it's clearly connected to the network/Internet. I've used the attached keyboard to run several curl commands, wget, and apt-get update,…
Eric Wolf
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7 answers

How to disable "Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill." message?

I do not want to see the following message when I login to my Pi (5.10.17-v8+ #1403 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 22 11:37:54 GMT 2021 aarch64 GNU/Linux): Wi-Fi is currently blocked by rfkill. Use raspi-config to set the country before use. How can I make it…
Gordon Fogus
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8 answers

Set up a Raspberry Pi Zero W without monitor or ethernet module

I bought the new Raspberry Pi W but I don't have right now an mini-HDMI adaptor (to connect it to a monitor) neither an Ethernet module to connect by SSH. Can I connect somehow by SSH through USB? How can I connect by SSH by WiFi without it being…
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5 answers

How to set VNC security settings using SSH? `No security types supported. Server sent security types, but we do not support any of them`

With the latest Dist-upgrade, it appears the VNC security settings have been changed which means I cannot access my Pi through VNC until they are changed back. I have SSH access. As the Pi is over 100 miles away I would like to find a way of…
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